Get better at CoD4


Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
If you would like to learn how to get better at COD4 Modern Warfare, read this.

These are tips from other people like you.
Here is a little advice i found @:

Make sure you have a gun that fits your style.
Pick good perks that can enhance your weapon. If you find an area weak in the gun, this is normally where a perk can fix the problem.
Learn your maps very well. No 'em like they were on the back of your hand. Know 'em!!!
If you have really slow reflexes, play more often so that they can improve.
Practice a lot with cooking grenades and aiming them into small windows. Learn, by instinct, exactly how long you have to cook it for.
Practice aiming with a friend or you can practice aiming at cars :D
Don't camp. Run around. You'll get more kills that way. Sure you might die a little more, but you'll be doing more for your team.
Have fun. Don't worry about your stats so much.
This above tip is an opinion
Shoot for longer than 1 minute on a mounted machine gun, unless you see plenty of +5's
Use special grenades to make a distraction, and then flank.
Camp, get a couple of kills, move to another spot, Annoying as it is, its effective. camp... etc.
The above tip is controversial.. If it works for you, then do it.
Do not group up this leads to enemies getting multiple kills. If you get four kills don't get reckless, its more important to miss a kill and stay alive than try to kill and die. Airstrikes are key to a good score (because they lead to choppers)
While defending on s&d stay at a or b and watch it dont go out and try to get kills it may be funner but not as effective.
Pick up a gun that you like and stick with it for awhile. It sounds simple, but just using a certain weapon for so long will help you understand the game more. You won't have to worry about adjusting for the recoil for a gun you have no time with, since you are exclusively using this one weapon.

After a time you should know where the weapon excels, how many bullets on average it takes, how long it takes to reload, etc.

So instead of worrying about the weapon, you can actually focus on the gameplay: Where to run to, camping locations, grenade spots, etc.
After you are doing decent (around a 1.00 K/D in TDM for instance consistently) you should then start branching out to other weapons. Since you already have the basics down of aiming down by using a certain gun for so long, and doing alright with it, the only thing you have to worry about is adjusting a bit to the new recoil or reloading times of the gun.
You will eventually just get better at the game without really knowing it. Killcams and watching other players in S&D while dead are possibly some of the best ways to learn from other players. But more importantly, you should notice that you get more kills and die less than usual because you know where an enemy will throw his grenades at the beginning of a match, and know where players usually camp.
Some basic classes that will almost always be effective after you learn the basics:

Primary Weapon: MP5, P90, M16, M40A3, M4, AK-47, AK-74u
Perks: Really depends on your playstyle. Perk one recommendation would be bandolier just because it can help if you are the type to get higher kill streaks. If it is a gun like the MP5 or the M16, chances are that you will find ammo on the ground, so it isn't needed. Anything here works really, you can't go wrong.
For Perk 2, it really comes down to Stopping Power. Sure you will have your player that will be successful with their UAV Jammer class, but the extra bullet damage is a huge difference maker. For beginners, I recommend NOT using Juggernaut. Not because that it is a "noob" perk, far from it, but because on any given life you will shoot more bullets than take. Stopping Power is overall much more versatile and almost essential to guns like the M40A3 and G3. Most other players will use the perk, meaning that any other choice bar Juggernaut will put you at a disadvantage at a one on one firefight. If you have decent aim you should be fine. Use Juggernaut and UAV Jammer if you want to, but Stopping Power gives the most benefits.
For Perk 3, use perks that will be active the entire time and that will be useful for your weapon. Example, Martyrdom and Last Stand may be fun to use, but they only work per life. If you want to become good at the game you don't want to die, which means you would rarely use these perks. Use perks like Extreme Conditioning or Dead Silence, which help infinitely more as they help you position yourself favorably against an enemy (Getting behind them).
Perks like Deep Impact and Steady aim are fine, but really now, how many times on average do you shoot through a wall to kill an enemy? The majority of the time you will have no obstruction between you and an enemy. On Maps like Showdown, where people tend to congregate on the upper level, Deep Impact is useful, but on a map like District, where the only obstacle is really the middle bazaar area, the perk is basically useless.

Steady Aim is useful on AR's, but redundant on SMG's in my opinion. The greater movement speed that SMG users have compared to every other class means that you can still aim down the sights and move to get a kill. Besides, SMGs have a much tighter hip spread than an AR or an LMG.
More General Knowledge: Use Stun grenades over Flashes. They are thrown faster, but give a much more important hit indicator denoting that you stunned an enemy.
All guns shoot perfectly straight no matter the distance, from pistols to sniper rifles. Do not adjust your aim unless there is noticeable lag.
Fire in bursts. This goes from an LMG to SMGs shooting enemies at longer ranges. Really self explanatory.
Don't ever attempt to pick up enemy grenades, as they are 99% cooked.
To become above average doesn't really take that much in itself, as the game is pretty easy in its base mechanics.
But to become that one player that gets 30 + kills a game consistently with a few deaths requires more than just knowledge of standard grenade points.
Sound. This is probably the most useful skill a good player will have. He/She doesn't need a $100 special headset to hear when an enemy is coming around them, as they can just look at their radar, see that their teammates aren't moving or aren't in the area, and know that the sound is caused by an enemy. Everything from missed knife swings to the clinks of grenades can help you get a kill.
Game Cues. These are in the general area of sound cues. That is, the information that the game gives you, but that the average player doesn't necessarily pick up on. The real time kill updates in the bottom left hand corner help tremendously when gauging what to do. See an enemy kill one of your teammates with an MP5 but no red dot is up? They are using a silencer and possible even UAV Jammer. Sure, this sounds like nothing, but watching as two green arrows around you disappear is a sign that an enemy is within the area. The Skull bone symbols that appear can be used in a similar way.
For game modes like S&D, clicking the back button can literally be the difference between a win and a loss. How many times have you seen a teammate wait in a corner or slowly creep up to the bomb site, only to not disarm the bomb, even though the entire enemy team is dead? It's happened quite a few times in my experience, but the simple looking of the scoreboard would show that all the enemies are dead, hence it would be safe to defuse the bomb (The dogtags next to a person's name indicate this).
In SnD use over kill and a sniper best dragunov as its semi-automatic.
Do not camp...Go in a building if you dont see anyone switch to your secondary weapon go on a hunt.
Mine is either ak 47 or m4 carbine always plant claymores in the area you are sniping from try and hide the claymores(note claymores and go through wall.
Play golf and improve you hand eye coordination
EDIT: Play other recreation activites to improve your hand eye coordination.
Hip fire smgs, but don't aim.
Use m9 pistol with mp5 for more ammo
Just because the other team has higher prestiges, doesn't mean they're are good. Theres A LOT of bad players out there..
Don't snipe on shipment ;)
A good CoD4 tip is to cook a grenade before throwing it. Time it so that it has little to no delay when it reaches its destination. That way no one can run or return the grenade.
Bouncing grenades/stun off of the lip on a doorway is a great way to keep your cover and clear a guy possibly hiding in a corner.
Flanking with UAV Jammer and a silencer is a great way to rack kills up, as some rely heavily on their radar when UAV is up. YES
Claymores in random places where traffic can pass through is a great way to rack up kills and prevent flanking.
Martydom is great if you enjoy running into rooms with enemies.yes but No
Always cover before a reload, switch weapons if you can't.
Don't hang around in a doorway, It's an easy way to get yourself and possibly an angry teammate who wanted by, killed.
A stun followed by a grenade is effective for killing. YES YES YES
Throwing grenades far in front of you in maps like Bog and Countdown are great for clearing enemies on the other side. Even more so if you have the Fragx3. I can't count the number of times I've randomly killed players this way. It also pisses them off seeing that you just randomly tossed one into them.
Sway side to side if spotted by a sniper. it's harder for him to hit you, and you can unload for a possible kill.
You can use stun grenades or flashes to see if someones in a room before you run in.
If you want to get a higher score faster then S&D is probably the best game. Strafe while shooting close range
If u are rushing with smg all the time at close range use a higher sensitivity.. mid range use a sensitivity of 5 or 6 and sniping use 2or 3.
Den Kirson's original weapons chart:

Now... to list out whatever that's not in the chart:

Field of View (FOV)
- Default FOV is 65 when NOT aiming down the sight (ads).
- Assault & LMGs have adsZoomFov of 50. Exception: M60 (adsZoomFov of 40)
- SMGs, RPG & Shotguns have adsZoomFov of 55.
- Sniper rifles have adsZoomFov of 15.
- Pistols have adsZoomFov of 65.

Scope in/out time (trans in/out)
- Assualt rifles and AK-74u have Trans in/out time of 0.25/0.25.
- SMGs (except for 74u), Shotguns & USP have Trans in/out time of 0.2/0.2.
- LMGs have Trans in/out time of 0.35/0.35.
- Sniper rifles have Trans in/out time of 0.4/0.6.
- M9 have Trans in/out time of 0.1/0.1.
- M1911 & Desert Eagle have Trans in/out time of 0.15/0.15.
- RPG have Trans in/out time of 0.5/0.5.

- Idle Amount of 40 (28 for G36c, 60 for R700)
- Idle Speed of 1.5 (0.8 for G36c)
- FOV of 30 (40 for G3)
- Trans in/out time of 0.3/0.6
A good tactic I use to rack up kills...
When you get a chopper after a 7 kill streak, WAIT until you die and re-spawn to call it. Now, you can sit back in a safe spot and let the chopper rack up the kills for you. It should easily get 3 kills, so call in your UAV. More often than not, it will get 5 kills, so call in your air strike where those red dots are popping up that your UAV previously exposed. If you call it in correctly, and get at least 2 more kills, you'll have ANOTHER chopper ready to go, and you didn't even fire a shot! Now WAIT again until you die and re-spawn to call the second chopper, and the cycle repeats.
The circle of kill streaks, as I call it. Very unstoppable when you get in the swing of things.
If you are still learning the game, before you choose a class, press start and see the score first.. If your team is getting raped, you might wanna leave before startin’
To help with this, as I am running around the map and if I come across a primary weapon on the ground, I will usually pick it up instead of my pistol. Then, when you are in the heat of a fight all it takes is, instead of reloading to quickly, take out your second gun that you have picked up. (Switching guns is quicker than reloading)
Long range sniper shots going off?.. Press start to get a full view of the map and pick up the red blimp from the shot fired...
DO NOT group with your fellow teammates...If you are and you see an air strike coming, then run the hell out of there cause more than likely, its comin’ your way
Don't try to use your air strike as soon as you get it. Wait and get to a safe spot before you use it or ou might get caught with your pants down trying to call it in
Stick and move, stick and move. Don't stay in one place to long, eventually a group will come to try and take you out. Take out a few enemies and move along, this doesn't mean run and gun though.
The stun then frag tactic can be very effective.
If you get the full blast of a flash bang, go prone it could save your ***.
When playing a wide open level such as Overgrown, don't use an SMG. The snipers and guys with assualt rifles will tear you up.
Not all weapons are made equally. This point is key and is a fact. Some weapons are inherently better than another weapon overall, even if they are in the same class of weapons (i.e. SMGs, LMGs, etc.)
Assault Rifles-
There is easily one that stands hands and feet above the rest: The M16. Yes, the first gun in the game, is (sadly) the best gun in the game... at least for consoles. Why?
Simple: The M16 fires 3 bullets per burst. Each bullet in that 3 round burst has a base damage of 40, with a minimum of 30. Now consider the fact that the base life for a player is 100 and you can see where I am heading...

40 X 3 = 120 > 100 = Kill if all 3 bullets hit. No matter where they hit, including the feet. This is not taking into account damage multipliers for hitting the head, which will only decrease the number of bullets needed.

This in itself, does not make the gun the best as all 3 bullets are needed, it's when it is equipped with Stopping Power do you actually see how powerful this gun is.

Stopping Power has a damage multiplier increase of 1.4 to EACH 40 damage bullet in a single burst : 1.4 X 40 = 56... 56 X 3 = 168 > 100 = Kill... overkill for that matter.

The gun doesn't need 3 bullet to hit an enemy to net a kill, it only needs 2 (56 X 2= 112 > 100 = kill). Against an opponent with Juggernaut, the M16 user will have to hit all 3 bullets to net a kill, but that is often not too hard to accomplish.
The next best Weapon in the AR's is the AK-47. It has a very high damage output, is fully automatic, but has moderately high recoil. The recoil however doesn't really hamper the gun overall, since it will take 2, or maybe 3 bullets the majority of the time to kill an opponent. The key to this gun, is to burst it. Do this and you will have a great experience with the gun.
Some more info on the AK: Adding a Silencer to this or a RDS will make the gun weaker overall. It sounds weird, but it is true. However, the damage change will only be noticeable on longer ranges, which will require another bullet to kill.

This fact + the great ironsights shows that the AK should be used without any attachments (the ACOG doesn't affect anything, but that attachment is rubbish for almost every weapon) to achieve the full killing potential of the weapon.
The other guns aren't bad, but they aren't as great as the M16/AK-47:

The M4 > G36c in almost all aspects. Choose the M4 over the G36c whenever you can if you want an automatic assault rifle. the recoil of the G36c just leads to missed shots, which leads to extra needed shots, which leads to longer time to net a kill. The only thing the G36c does have going for it is when it an ACOG is attached to the weapon, the sway is almost nonexistent... but once you actually shoot the gun the absence of sway won't help at all.
G3 > M14 in almost all aspects. The M14 COULD have been one of the better AR's, but the fact that the recoil is absurdly high after shooting a few shots repeatedly makes the gun trash. It can kill enemies in one hit to the head (something other AR's can't do), but the recoil means that you have to hit that shot right away... which will be unlikely due to lag, and user error. The G3 is not a bad option, has low recoil, and is exceptional at long distances, but anything you can do with this gun, you can do better, and easier with the M16.
Note: The G3 has an erroneous bug that, when attached with a silencer, makes the knife lunge not work. The slash is fine, but the action of the longer knife attack will be negated for no apparent reason:
The MP44 is essentially an AK-47 with different sights, and can't use attachments. By this fact alone it is one of the better assault rifles, but anything you can do with this, you can do that and more with the AK.
Overall, the M16, AK47 and M4 are the best choices overall in the AR department, but that is not to say that you cannot do well with any of the other weapons. But it is helpful to know that you might be doing even better if you were to use the M4 instead of the G36c.
After the Assault Rifles you have SMGs. Basically, these two classes will be your bread and butter classes, since they can basically do it all in this game.
Hipfiring with an SMG is fine, even if the enemy isn't directly in front of you. SMGs have the tightest hipfiring accuracy of all the guns, and by adding Steady Aim to them, you don't really even have to Aim Down the Sights (Even though I advise against this because...)
...SMGs, unlike Assault Rifles, do not move slower when Aimed Down the Sight. It may not be Sprinting speed, but it is just as fast as if you were walking. Because of this, you can easily move and shoot while aiming down the sights at the same speed if you were hipfiring. I ADS in close quarters when I can because of this, and by my experience, it works great.
The MP5. The first SMG unlocked in the game and is to some, the best SMG, and one of the best weapons in the game. Their claims do make sense, as the MP5 with Stopping Power kills in 2 bullets at close range and fires relatively fast. There is one noticeable drawback that pushes the gun down, and that is the recoil. In close range it doesn't matter, but on long, and even medium range it can be a hassle to hit an enemy. Like I've said before, bursting the gun can help, but not enough to make up for the bad recoil of the gun. Overall, the MP5 is a great gun, and you can't really go wrong using it.
The AK-74u. this gun is basically the MP5 but with a few noticeable differences. It shoots just as fast as the MP5, with the exact same damage as well. However, the great part of this gun is of it's recoil. For me, the straight vertical recoil is easier to control and predict when compared with the MP5's random circular-like spread. Because of this fact, I believe the AK-74u is better than the MP5. It also has increased penetration- that of an Assault rifle like an AK-47. Combine that with the high damage and high rpm, and you have a great gun. There are some downsides though: Like the AK-47, attaching a RDS or Silencer gimps the gun, but instead of weakening it, the attachments make the hipfire spread large, that of an assault rifle. For some, this reason makes the 74u a bad choice, as they hipfire for almost every single occasion. For me though, it doesn't really matter since I ADS more often that firing from the hip. Besides using a RDS is just not worth it, since the iron sights are so great.
If you want to use a silenced SMG, stick with the MP5 or the P90, but if you want to have the gun silenced, just remember that you won't be hipfiring as accurate (unless you use Steady Aim, but that just basically reverts it to SMG hipfire spread). The other pitfall of the gun is that it idles (the crosshair moves by itself when ADS, much like the M4). To me this isn't big enough for me to take the MP5 over it, since the gun kills so fast that the idling won't really affect it.
The P90.Probably my favorite SMG, and in my opinion, the best overall SMG.
Many hate the gun because it has so many bullets and fires fast, but they have to take account the stats of the weapon:

It is a 30-20 damage weapon, meaning that it won't kill as fast as the MP5 or AK-74u. But besides that damage discrepancy, I can't really find anything else that makes the gun worse. It doesn't idle like the 74u, has a large clip size, and best of all has manageable recoil, much better than the MP5's or 74u's. This fact alone makes it an unbelievable do it all weapon. The low recoil makes hitting mid range and even long range targets simple. You really don't have to burst the gun and can just hold down the trigger if you want to.

This gun is my favorite choice to use with UAV Jammer and a Silencer. It is probably the wisest choice when you look at it: The gun has a huge clip, which means less reloading, and less pauses in shooting. It has low recoil, making it easy to nail enemies from anywhere. And it fires fast, meaning that the kill time will not be seriously lengthened when shooting an enemy at range. The iron sights aren't MP5/74u good, but after a game or two they aren't bad at all. Really, if you haven't tried it out, try the P90 with a Silencer and UAV Jammer- It's one of my own classes and is used on almost every map if needed.
The Mini Uzi. Eh, it's really just a worse P90. It fires faster than the P90, but the recoil just kills this, as well as the shorter clip size. The recoil may help with getting headshots quickly, but overall the gun is just inferior to the P90. It's not horrible, but is just average when compared with the other SMGs. Stick with the P90 if you want an extremely fast firing weapon.
The Skorpion. You will have people that swear by this gun, but I just don't like it. It's my choice as the worst SMG, and one of the worst weapons in the game. The Skorpion is the most powerful SMG... to an extent. It fires 50-20 damaging bullets, which means that without Stopping Power, the gun kills in 2 bullets at extreme close ranges. But after that? It continually drops to a measly 20 damage per bullet, meaning that without Stopping Power it would take a whole 5 bullets to kill. That's not all, the Skorpion has an extremely low clip size: It's not uncommon to use an entire clip on an enemy at midrange because of the small clip and weak bullets. This leads in to the next fault... the reloading. Most guns reload before the animation is complete (look at your ammo counter if you want proof), but the Skorpion's actual reload is basically the same as the animation. I regularly do this reloading trick with all my guns, and when I pick up a Skorpion, I repeatedly break the animation before the gun is reloaded, leading to even more time wasted... In a CQB situation, you can't spend half your time reloading the gun, and I know for a fact that you won't hit all the bullets you fire. It all just leads up to a death from an MP5 user who didn't have to reload. Yes, the recoil is nonexistent, which is great for longer ranges, but again the gun is so weak that it doesn't really matter about the low recoil, and again the small clip size means that you have to hit your bullets with high accuracy, or you will either miss your chance at a kill/die by an enemy. The gun fares better in HC, but I really don't care about that gamemode.
The MP5 shares bullets with the M9 Pistol, same with the Mini Uzi. Choosing the M9 is like a mini bandolier, and is good to take not of if you don't use your pistol often.

In summation-

If you want an SMG that isn't silenced, use the AK-74u without RDS.
If you want a strong silenced gun with Stopping Power, use the MP5.
If you want an SMG that has no problems with close or long range shots, use the P90.
If you want to run a total stealth class use the P90.
Take the P90 over the Mini-uzi if possible.
Don't use the Skorpion unless you are playing Hardcore.
Don't use the G3 unless you have a very fast trigger finger
Sidearms. They often get too overlooked.
The Desert Eagle has high damage, and that's all and well, but the mag. size and recoil make it less useful as a side arm. However, the DE really shines when using it on a class with Steady Aim. The DE has some of the tightest hip fire spread in the game, and when coupled with Steady Aim, you don't even need to bring it up to fire.
If you aren't using the DE, the USP is probably the best way to go with a sidearm (but use the M9 with the MP5 or Uzi)
USP pros:
-Relatively large magazine
-Acceptable damage and range
-Excellent sights
-Virtually no recoil
-You can attach a suppressor
Shotguns- Overall, the worst weapon class in the game. Unlike every single other gun in this game, the Shotgun doesn't have unlimited range. While at first glance this sounds like a good idea, since no one wants to be killed by a Shotgun in one blast from long range, this only further hurts the Shotguns in relation to other weapons. In this post I really won't expand as much on the Shotguns individually as I did on the other weapons, because their really isn't much to talk about.

The main reason the Shotguns are some of the worst weapons in the game is that they are not versatile. An Assault Rifle can work in close ranges and long ranges, and still be effective. Are they as good as SMGs close range and as Sniper rifles at long ranges? No, but they can still kill at those respective ranges. The Shotgun can't hit enemies long range, and only scrapes enemies from mid range, sometimes requiring 3 to 4 shots to kill. At close range they still aren't as dominant as they should be, due to the fact that every single weapon class bar Sniper Rifles (Spraying from the Hip with the M21 or no scoping with an M40A3 + ACOG are not reliable) can effectively kill an enemy close range. SMGs can almost kill just as fast as the Shotguns do, can be silenced, and are more forgiving if the shot is missed. The main point I am trying to make is that the Shotgun is only effective in only a few situations, whereas all other guns can work in any situation. This fact alone makes Shotguns worse than every other gun. Add in the fact that lag affects Shotguns just as much as any other weapon and what you can end up with is a frustrating experience where point blank Shotgun blasts won't kill in one hit.

That is not say that one can't do well with Shotguns. That's wrong, as many people have had great games using them. It's just that using a Shotgun takes much more tactics than your standard SMG or AR. I'll get into tactics with weapons in a later post.
W1200: The first Shotgun that is unlocked, pump action, high power (to a point), with a decent firing speed. Using a grip when unlocked may help with the recoil to make successive shots. Using Double Tap isn't a bad option as it allows a faster rate of shots. Nothing really else to say...
M1014: The Semi-automatic shotgun. My personal choice for a Shotgun if I use one just because it fires faster and has a longer range than the W1200. It is weaker than the other Shotgun, and holds much less shells at a time, so take to that mind. The main reason I suggest this Shotgun is that you can follow up with a next shot faster than the W1200, which is crucial in this game when up against SMGs. Qucikly tapping the trigger twice every time you encounter an enemy is a very effective way of ensuring a kill, as long as you have half decent aim and aren't lagging too bad. Sleight of Hand works well with this tactic.

Overall I wouldn't suggest using them if you want to do well, especially if you aren't that great with the other weapons, since the learning curve for these weapons is much higher than every gun if one wants to do well. Shotguns are fun to use (when they work properly), but remember that this class requires more from the player than any single other weapon in the game.
On the PC version, the chopper isn't all that helpful (partly due to my opponents are pretty good at avoiding them, and partly because its driven by my grandmother). So from a PC gamer's perspective, I suggest that the chopper should be called in after you got 2 streak kills. If you're lucky, the chopper will help you get a UAV. Use the UAV to nail some guys through wall, and when you got your 5th killstreak, you know how to carry on from there. =]
A1) You have to find your weekness. (make multiple test for yourself to figure out what it is.
A2) Find out why you aren't good at it. Example: You run & gun but you're bad at it, because you aim slow.
A3) Now that you know where your weekness lies, find a way to practice it & get better. You will see improvement! No madder how bad you are or good, you can always get better. Have you ever been owned? Well practice & you can own them. The only reason why they own you is because you either get better slower than them or they have more practice. I'm not BS'n you. I used to get owned by someone all the time and now i own them!
To own, you have to know every aspect of the game such as: (claymore planting, sniping, running & gunning, aiming, camping, knowing when and when not to sprint, avaisive running, stabbing, and the perks.) The reason why you should be familiar with these things is so that you can
A) You will know how to use a particular tactic (s) against your opponent..
;) In a certain situation, one of these tactics could prove useful


Honorary Member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Ooo dear god I will give you advice give me 500 euros and I will teach you in 1 day :D


Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
A little steep dont u think? what about 5 euros?

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