Get banned

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Jul 28, 2014

some few days ago i start playing mw after 1 year break. Found WorldMafia server and only play there, because there are the best players and the server has a nice ping for me.
So played already 20-25 times and today i get banned after i disconnect (going afk).
My ingame name was cpt. travis or wdc'prox.
Some reasons?
Well. You joined the server for 10 seconds. The only guy you managed to kill happened to be me. That kill was not possible to make unless you knew i was there and right after that kill you left. Checked your guids banned on both PB and GGC. People can unban you if they like but that kill was more than enough to see that you wasnt legit at the time.
Played with him on our servers couple of times,didnt notice anything strange.But Wardick is our expirienced admin,and i belive in his decision.
He got banned on ggc and pbbans because he put easyaccount.exe into his cod folder (a tool to cheat yourself to rank 55 and unlock everything etc.)
Also his K/D ratio is 0.7 so i do kinda question this ban.
Hmm, have seen him play a few times. Some dodgy shots i agree but i didnt see anything solid. A couple of us were speccing a few days ago but as soon as i switched teams he left. He came again later and i switched teams to spec and he left again.

Not sure from me.
The fact that he does dodgy shots and leave out of nowhere is a sign of him not being legit and scared to get caught. The shot he made on me was beyond obvious. I was crawling on the ladder to go up to tin. he aims at the wall. I wait on the ladder because i was looking at the TV for a second. he does nothing. As soon as i am at the top of the ladder he starts shooting. He was looking at it for at least 4 seconds before doing anything i could see that on the killcam.
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