Funny Videos II


[nomedia=""]YouTube - IdÄ™, albo nie idÄ™! - napisy[/nomedia]

and Vodka powaaaaaaaaaaaa
lool its aint funny wombat..... there was tornado up ahead. you never walk in front of heavy wind :PPPPPP
our club :)

[ame=""]YouTube - Świętokrzyski Klub Muay Thai Promo[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Jesus Pwn3d U[/ame]
ahahah :P
filix what is the title of the video which u put on facebook ?? the black man that make joke...?
video is funny but only for polish coz of language

[ame=""]YouTube - Dylemat w sklepie[/ame]
lool KF how you made it :P

[ame=""]YouTube - Only in Saudi Arabia[/ame]