Find a good reason to BAN Raiden

raiden said:
g2fo all! i dont spend my day on forum coz i dont waste time^^ i prefer to play ----------------------> BAN FOR TOLD G2FO TO LEADERS :P

i smoke where i go so i can see enemies before hey see me so u can go other way^^^ maps are big^^ ----------------------> BAN FOR HAX.. btw u die anyway so stop smoke :D

i say fo coz i like saying that in shit situations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> BAN FOR RAGING :D

and i dont teamkill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> BAN FOR BEING LIER :D

and xaby if u want 1vs1 lets see ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> ahahahaahahaha if u lucky Xavi will let u win a round :D

ty for all this reasons..

raiden said:
fu man^^ i prefer play

NEVER lose respect with others members expecially if they have double of ur years..
i dont joke with this kind of things and many ppl here is the same..