
I've had iPhone 3G, iPhone4S and now changed to Blackberry Bold 9900

btw love the quote kf, fits you perfectly :D
my first phone was nokia 6510! once we played soccer with it! i had 4 different covers all originals amd it still works! only 1 problem: battery exausted so it cnt stand calls if longer than a bunch of seconds ;)
nokia lumia has new operating sistem windows mobile right? dunno it never used ;)
samsung and sony both carrie android the latest version if im not wrong n they are pretty similar! id go for the samsung coz ome friends of mine have it and they like it, never used the sony one
Which one is the best : NokiaLumia 800, SamsungGalaxy S II or SonyXperia S

My friend just bought Lumia a few days ago and if I remember right.. yesterday he said clearly: THIS PHONE IS SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT orm. So I would say... SAMSUMNG! :) He wondered too about that we live in Finland, bought a phone(Nokia Lumia) and he must PAY for ANGRY BIRDS?! How gay is that?!
Which one is the best : NokiaLumia 800, SamsungGalaxy S II or SonyXperia S

- Nokia made shity smatphones. btw nokia got shity operating system.

- Samsung Galaxy S II is very good phone. Was best smathphone before Xperia S appers

- Sony Xperia S is best from that 3 ( at least on paper ) Got screen resolution 1200x700 in such small thing it looks amazing. Also procesor, Ram, battery life. Whorser models from SE was very fluent and less lag so Xperia S which is much better must be very good phone. In fact it is best smatphone on market right now ( until new galaxy S III appers )
Nuubs this is my best phone so far..really good mobility xD