
SkandalisT said:
Dont tell me stupid stuffs. I'm great gaming pro and good in knowing games! Graphis is everything. i dont need to play dungeon Keepers or Battlefield4 or Crysis i never played any them but who cares!!1 to know that old games is a garbage! Half lfie sucks, doom for retards and dungeon keempers is for kids! I'm 12 years old and I KNOW BETTER. And i'm fully serious and absolutelly not trolling!
Im such a noob when it comes to identify when ppl are trolling me on ze interwebz :(
old game aren't shit, old graphics is shit but some of the very best games ever made are quite old (the legend of Zelda for example)!
Trolling or not I got a point there :P
I'm still playing Fable The lost chapters. Year ago I had NFS underground 1 on my pc. Yup some old games, which have soul and atmosphere much better than shitty CoD from last years, screwed up battlefields with dlcs, costing like game itself and many other games, maden without effort to make gamer's soul richer by playing them, but with big expectations of owner company to get richer by selling crap. So, yes, I also prefer some oldies to new one.

Btw I dnt like new cods too, noway U can play search and destroy on any of em since U can't get admin rights to kick campers!
but in search and destroy u only get a life per round so when a guy covers a spot without any possibilty of being taken by back coz on his back there is only his team spawn zone and he isnt following the objective (this happens when he camps on attack side which players are supposed to get the bomb, go to the targets, plant it and defend it) he gets warned and then kicked as he aint being useful in any ways, hes only afraid of dieing in a videogame ;)
on new cods u cant choose the server u join in, u get randomly put into an open one so there are no server rules and server admins:its the shittRs paradise
In that case, when campers are useless, I'm agree.
Yup that's the main problem of FPS games in last years: you cant really choose where to play, with who to play and etc. Always random quality matches with random people and settings.
Yes! And nabs also quit when U kill em 3-4 times so U have to play less good or U will always be busy finisng new opponents