
Used to play it back in the day on the old Ps1 i think :s cant even remember, was the best game i ever played back when i actually played games and enjoyed them rather than thinking of the best strategy to do something in the most efficient way etc. Nostalgia bomb :(
back on the ps1 days u were just a scumbag berty! i played doom2 on my old MSdos pc!! awesome game :)
doom 3 was fkin freaky...could have a light but not ur gun...or ur gun but nolight....FREAKY ONE
I have played all 3 doom games, doom 1 and 2 had solid gunplay and was over all realy nice. Doom 3 made me shit my pants so much that i had to let my little brother who has way more balls then me play it for me and i just sat and watched :P
That flashlight no gun mechanice was just too much for my weak nerves to handle xD
I see dead...

...nah just Husky's necropost
SkandalisT said:
I see dead......nah just Husky's necropost
Well, i dont care :D
First time im here and i check for interesting topics. Not my fault its been 6 months since someone posted here ^^
To the theme of topic:
I've not met those days, when doom1\2 was popular, I tryed doom 3, when it's was already old thing. Game is nice. Especially FUCKING SUDDEN demon's spawns and those door opening noise... brr. And those zombie soldiers with aimbot. Tough and intense, But I couldnt play more than 30 minues because of old low detailed graphic. Sometimes graphic does matter.
How old are U?? And btw when ot comes to cult, that's the only thong that matters for me, even if graphics and gameplay are bad/old
12 looool
Graphics its a lot of stuff (just finished beyond FTW..!) but when I play asteroids or pacman I dnt care abt graphics
SkandalisT said:
For meGraphic is everything. Crysis 3 is the real game! Things like doom sucks
I think you should try a realy old game like Dungeon keeper 2. The graphics will make your eyes bleed but holy fuck the game is so awsome!
For thoase of you kiddos out there who havent played it. Buy it here and enjoy it kiddos! =D
Seriusly, fucking buy it! There is only 1 game similar to it nowdays and its in alpha stage and a rework of this game. So fucking get it!
SkandalisT said:
OLOLOL1 Dungeon keeper sucks! The battlefield 4 have much better in storyline and everything!
noob u dont play it for the storyline... u play it for the uniqe game mechanics!
Can you slap uyour workers to work faster in bf4? NO
Can you build traps that squishes knights to a pool of blood in bf4? NO
Do you have to build a torture chamber to get awsome soldiers in bf4? NO

Seriusly dont compare bf4 with dungeon keeper. FSP vs RTS is just stupid comparision
Dont tell me stupid stuffs. I'm great gaming pro and good in knowing games! Graphis is everything. i dont need to play dungeon Keepers or Battlefield4 or Crysis i never played any them but who cares!!1 to know that old games is a garbage! Half lfie sucks, doom for retards and dungeon keempers is for kids! I'm 12 years old and I KNOW BETTER. And i'm fully serious and absolutelly not trolling!