DayZ Mod


Jul 5, 2012
Didn't see this posted yet in the forums, so i thought i'd see if anyone is interested.

What is DayZ? It's an Arma 2 zombie survival simulator mod.

It is currently in Alpha, and has not been out for long, but it's growing fast and is being updated & improved regularly. It's being developed by the dev's of Arma 2.


DayZ Mod Files (Available on the downloads page)

Hey Valkyrie!

If you're gonna continue posting in our forum, may I suggest that you Introduce yourself, so all the gays & ladies here could have even somekind of picture about who you even are :) Just a suggest (+ we have a topic/thread where you can make the introduction)

I'm not gonna say anything about this post subject just yet cause I made this post too with my phone :D

Edit: Tell me about dat music on the second video :lol:

Seems interesting, but I'm too lazy to download it etc.
Yea thats a great game im looking to go buying arma2 first i heard great praise about this mod :D
I just bought CO but operation arrowhead doesnt work for me? can anyone help please :)
Btw: I put mod files in before running for the first time if that means anything, thanyou!
i heard about this mod and played it at a friend of mines pc, pretty cool :D u guys should give it a try.
I just bought CO but operation arrowhead doesnt work for me? can anyone help please :)
Btw: I put mod files in before running for the first time if that means anything, thanyou!

Check the threads in this link on how to install it mate.