If i lose though, i see it as i only lose what i have earned, i never add my own money to betting, only what i have won from bets but still im fucking dying hereTBerty said:I know im criyng
Dont even understand why ldlc are playing so bad, they are litterally playing like third tier team atm. Maybe they are throwing for skins, or strat saving idk but this is pissin me offKrazyFire said:10-2 ;d
Can't wait for ESL for some matches without f ddosing, i was sick of watching Na Vi at caseking of the hill tourno, half of time they were waiting for their guy to solve ddos problemsTBerty said:Fucking swedish kids ddosing matches over skins, pissing me off. We need people to fucking find these kids and arrest them
DAMN BOIEEEEEEEEEE he sucked as ct ...TBerty said:
He'll lose just as you start it, I guarantee it.Bane said:From now on if i bet i will do same as you kf Nice job