CS:GO Trading Keys + Items

El Pistolero

Feb 7, 2012
Hey guys,
i see there doesnt exist such a thread yet! I will start it then!!
Post here all ur trades, or what u're looking for. May someone can help u also out with a value problem.
Just upload here a screen with the item on it nd may i or someone else can help u with telling u what its worth or which deal is a good one! (Different knife/weapon patterns etc.) I try to help where ever i can! Feel free to post here ur offers u got on csgolounge.com

Basicly not all guys know that i went to the csgo traders, so i wanna share my known which i've learned to u all...

At the moment i traded some knives into keys which im selling now. If u're interested into buying it for a cheaper price than on steam,
i can offer it to u. fFeel free to add me on steam, there we can discuss about the details. I have always some keys in my stock....

Please post here in the thread ur steam name so i can add u, cause i have so many unknown peoples which add me on steam...
@pistol, I will give u an ultra rare mint condition csgo music kit for ur m4 howl, u know u want to
Bane said:
Linux ofc, he is master for getting good mission rewards, in few years he will have PhD in being lucky mf...
is this true Linux? I dont see it in your inventory? ;)