CS:GO Daily Deal - Only 2€! [Offer Expired]

pilleman182 said:
#1 do we have a server?
We have two servers - public and training. More details here and here.

pilleman182 said:
2# do i need to play it or can i just buy it?
Michal said:
Make list who wanna get that game and lets buy more copies
Well, from SWAT 4 side, the only guys/gals that are active and don't have CS:GO are Virus, Gumias, Ben, Villa, Bunny and Fox (correct me if I'm wrong). Iceman doesn't want to try it, because he's busy with work.

Sabbath, Xavii, Linux and Ryu already got or will get a copy from our supreme leader, KF.
i need one , just in iran i cant buy the real one , altho im not sure , i know u cant have visa or master card , and also they banned steam here , what are my options?
Marlboro said:
i bought csgo, i cant play it for shiet though, t33ch mehh
When you are in game, listen to your hearth and imagine yourself a sneaky litle jew, who are illegal in a ciryan market and who need to sell as many matzo as he can and deceive cyrian traders. The more matzo you trow into ciryan heads - the more profit you will get and the more matzo you can buy next round. That's the key to success
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: TheHunter159
SkandalisT said:
When you are in game, listen to your hearth and imagine yourself a sneaky litle jew, who are illegal in a ciryan market and who need to sell as many matzo as he can and deceive cyrian traders. The more matzo you trow into ciryan heads - the more profit you will get and the more matzo you can buy next round. That's the key to success

best. advice. ever.