Codemasters F1 2010


Retired Member
Sep 19, 2008
I bought this game for PS3 and i must tell it's a realy nice game. If someone like F1 world and interesing of F1 should have this title in his collection. Career mode is made good. You chosing the team witch you wanna drive and targets for team is equals for their skill.
For example i start as a rookie so i chose HRT team. Its almost imposible to win race by using this HRT car (unless u play in easy mode). I play in hard and end race in first 10 is godlike. You need to go to press conference and watch out what you talking to dont make trouble in team or count on place in better team for next year. There is also a multiplayer mode :P

Formula 1™ Game - The Official Game Site

This guy is playing on very easy, but here is a sample:
YouTube - F1 2010 Team Radio Gameplay Trailer HD
I have it on pc, yeah its really nice. I even won Melbourne with all systems off. (only traction control on medium )
i have this game now will try it 2nite if anyone wants some fast speeds to download this ask me :P
yes i will download too, i love F1 and i will play it lan with krazy and li while DG plays it online in ps3 with kids :P
there is no difference PS3 or PC but on PS3 is better to handling by Analog joypad than keyboard.
btw. set SI on profesional or legend so i bet u dont win many races Li :P (maybee if u use RedBull car)
i dont like that kind of games :P anyway i can download it if we can race online. I would like to put Xavi on tree :D
I have this game but didn't really get into the corner thing lol on the easiest it's like on the hardest you simply drop speed to 1 km/h and die ;)

EDIT: K I change my mind :Di t's a cool game ;)
If someone got problems/bugs in game. Today Codmasters relised un-bug patch to this game. Sony and microsoft aprove it. i instaled it and many bugs are fixed.
i have problems with my cheap wheel, thats why is stopped playing this game.