go to ''windows'' sound setting and activate stereo. you see inacvtive sterio . open the sterio
1)Fixed Mine This way. %100
-Start, control panel
-Hardware and Sound
-Recording Tab
-Right Click in window, chose "Show Disabled Devices"
-"Setero MIX"appeared, Right Click and choose enable
if 1 dont
2)There are some issues running CoD 4 Multiplayer on some onboard sound cards. Users with RealTek(TM) onboard sound cards and Windows(R) Vista will need to use Microsoft Audio Drivers 6.0, which can be found at Microsoft Corporation and/or COD4 Windows Vista Audio Drivers Fix. Users with Sigmatel® onboard sound cards need to install all Windows® Vista updates, and the latest Sigmatel drivers from Dell.com.
If you are running the game from a secondary partition, download the latest BIOS updates from your motherboard manufacturer in addition to following the above instructions.
A fix will be posted here once Activision/Infinity Ward releases more info on this error
lol euska no need change os