claymores in the hardcore server

shall we keep claymores in the hardcore server?

  • Yes, keep it like it is

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • No, remove claymores from the server

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • whatever

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
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Honorary Member
Sep 23, 2010
ight, so i noticed there is more and more claymores in the hardcore server, which makes rushing sometimes impossible in certain areas. i mean, sometimes u rush the enemy spawn, u manage to avoid like 4-5 clays, then u avoid a clay and surprise....there is one more clay behind.

so here is why i would remove clays :

1°) claymores increase spawn camp -> the shitters using clays mostly plant it forward, then come backwards to the spawn, and camp there. if we remove clays, imo there will be much less spawncamp

2°) camping in general -> I mean, when u are rushing, u sometimes can rush the enemy spawn. But, if you are keen enough to play the frags, u won't rush the spawn, u ll camp it, cause u know there is a few clays in the spawn, so u take less risk waiting. so clays increase camping in general. Moreover,

most clays can be detected by bombsquad, but sometimes, u avoid one clay and there is the second one right behind, which makes it impossible to cross a way

3°) useless tool? -> i think there is many interesting tools and weapons in the hardcore server that makes the game funny (c4, rpg, etc) i mean everyone his own gamestyle, that's fair enough. but clays? well, what improvment does it makes? nothing, claymores is just a whore tool.

4°) It ruins gaming -> how many times have you been in a hard situation, trying to save ur ass, playing keen, etc they all shoot at you, ur doing good, but when u think u may succeed, u fall on a clay. well it ruins the fun, a clay frag is a shit frag, never a gg imo so why would we keep it?

well in the end, no clays would mean more gaming in the hardcore server, more fair play, more fun, what's your opinion?
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: BixMypoppysop
Claymore is usual part of hardcore,i dont mind them,and if you have problems with them,use bombsquad :D .Everybody think something should be removed from HC,like p90,we already removed 3 frags,and i think if we remove clays,we will lose many regular players.And i dont even wont mention about all the kicks and bans if poll passes.Becouse over 80 percent of players are using them. Overall that is hardcore. :P
Ryu said:
3°) useless tool? -> i think there is many interesting tools and weapons in the hardcore server that makes the game funny (c4, rpg, etc) i mean everyone his own gamestyle, that's fair enough. but clays? well, what improvment does it makes? nothing, claymores is just a whore tool.
Honestly you could say the same thing about any other weapon. C4 can be annoying when its just thrown in from a window below you and kill you while defusing or planting. Or its placed in a spot that you cant see and kills you. RPG can also be annoying since its an explosive and you can just shoot it inside a room and almost be sure to get the kill.

The claymore in my opinion is a great thing to have. People use it for more than just camping. They use it to protect the bomb so they can hear if people approach. they also use it as an antirush. To me it sounds like you want it removed so you have an easier time rushing rather than prevent camp because people are going to camp either way.

Its also just a great tactical thing to have available when you play. When i played a lot of HC having the claymores was a great tool to cover an area of.

Final thoughts: I think they should stay because in the long run people will camp. Its a great antirush so people cant just walk up and kill you specially on HC.
i got the bombsquad perk on every class, i avoid like 1 thousand clay a day, still, that's one of the main reason why i die, cause there is too many clays. u cannot avoid them all.especially when u play fast.

edit : lordy u can't compare clays with c4 or rpg. in both c4 and rpg u have to fire, which makes it a proper frag, u have to keep close, to see somebody, or to hear something to fire it, moreover, both rpg and c4 tool means u are moving, not spawn camping.

idri, we won't lose 80% of our regulars, and the one we will lose in this poll are the ones i respect the less, like ivan halol, spooky, SOFT, and all these shitters not playing the fair game. the rest, able to frag without clays anyways will be willing to not use the easy way of gaming. in my opinion of course ;)
i wont vote hence i dont play anything else besides promod, but i want to argue a bit. i always hated claymores in every game i facedf them. to me theyre also unuseful and shit and they make camping much more easier and i therefore see your point.

but on the other hand, "tools" like claymores also enable a different gamestyle. not everyone wants to actually go on 1v1 situations in a shooter. there is lots of people who'd like to be james bond's, splinter cell gays and others. you can go for different goals even in cod4. in bf2 we used to, sometimes (when we were baiting around on pubs :3) get 3 snipers in 1 squad together with one supporter simply to put down as many clays as we could (supporter would always raise your ammunition), get one medic aswell and simply goof around and stay alive for a few hours :P

I, personally, dont like the entire discussion about camping/rushing etc. of course camping the spawn sucks dick when youre on att searching for the last few fools. but i guess there really is few people who actually enjoy the adrenalin kick of being last goof standing and camping the spawn till the bitter end :P
yes, and after that remove extreme conditioning, dead silence, c4, rpg, p90.... well and russians.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: JetsonRay
since i am not able to poll, i will just share my opinion as a HC player.

i have to agree with Ryu that claymores mostly suck, especially in CQB environments and when they are used at a dozen per 1m². yet i think they are less of a pain than spray fire, regarding the rushes.

personaly i use clays on overgrown near B and not many fall for it , but it is an indicator to give away approaching enemies presence.

towards the spawncamping, yeah i hate it, but clay or not, i hate it. everyone has a watch at scoreboard and should go for the bomb when the time gets short. but i think u should just woop these people´s ass´ harder at the first, so claymores at spawn wont be the issue anymore.

best for last how dumb claymores are in RL:
mh is was only half-joking, i voted actually yes and would vote yes on all of the ones i mentioned :P
(maybe to clear up confusion, i voted to remove claymores)

edit: Ofc claymores are gay and kinda frustrating when you get killed by them, but so are so many other things.
Tbh getting killed by rpgs is way more annoying than claymores for me, you atleast need to shoot them and aim? So what makes them more skillful than grenade launchers? you need to aim and press the left mouse button to see them fly across the map too. Besides, when someone is aiming near you with an rpg you almost have no chance surviving and if you survive you die by the car next to you that blown up because of the rpg, where claymores are stuck in the same place and in obvious positions most of the time + you have a perk to detect them, imo they are far inferior to rpgs.
To be honest, it should stay.
You have the bomb squad perk which is there for a reason.
Claymores are just part of the game.

I don't like them either, but I think it's just better with them.
Idrizi said:
Promod is for players that dont like perks,don t ruin HC pls.I use claymores too.
i have to agree, is part of rpg p90 etc..dont fuck the server please.
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