Cheaters / hackers

Tonight they played TKz hax, one has been banned.
If it helps to give screen with guid
shoxz kicked by PB - Violation File whitelist #9011
This means you have something in your CoD folder which doesnt belong there, a whitelist holds files which are allowed to be in the folder, if you have any file in it which is not on the list you will get kicked with #9011
From Game-violations Technical Support: [background=rgb(222, 222, 222)]Its a new way of cheat-detection, its scans the gamefolders for disallowed md5's. Its faster than scanning for cheat file namens, but actually it checks only for allowed md5's, everything else is flagged as "FILE WHITELIST"[/background]

I don't know what to think again, I find this "Shoxz" kind of suspicious sometimes @ promod server but don't have any proof... for now :D

+ They like to ghost @ promod srv with pymz. Or used to :D

Alex you are a fucking nerd. Go jump down from a 50 meters high bridge.
Thanks for mentioning cee, Shoxz is obvious as fuck when there isn't any admin online. I will try getting a demo of him aswell.

Whitelist : As far as i know, it is a punkbuster violation that appears when punkbuster isn't updated correctly.

@ alex : Im sorry you're wrong. You can put a lot of files into the folder, the only thing that probably happens is you getting kicked for md5 tool file mismatch.

MD5tool checks the files in your folders.
and whitelist when its enabled ;) dont worry i know xD

md5 and whitelist are completely different things, whitelist exists way longer than md5 checks and is fairly outdated, because they are dumb.

just did a quick google search.

[background=rgb(243, 249, 246)]It is a new function for pb admins that was added on the January 4th pb update. Basically it allows us to limit the files in a particular folder.[/background][background=rgb(243, 249, 246)] For instance, if you want, you can limit the files within the osp folder to only those files that are put in there when osp is installed on the client. Then say, if someone adds in a custom pk3 file, even if we don't know the name of it, we can kick the person for having extra files in a folder we deemed that they shouldn't.[/background]