chargeR ;)


Oct 21, 2012
Hey guys,

iam chargeR (sometimes chargeRaz0r/LiQuidchargeR), I´am 21 years old, from Germany and I got tired of the Apply Form now.

My games are CoD4 and BF3.
I´ve got more than 3,5k hours of CoD4.

I´am often on your server and fuck up all players with my skill xD.
Because of my job, I only can play at the weekend.

Hello darling.

KF should and hopefully will finish the application form...

Just have patient please :) Welcome to the forum, if I've not said that yet :D
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: chargeR
be honest, u dont love all WM clan... u only love me. xDD

i want him in our clan gays. he is a nice guy :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: chargeR
be honest, u dont love all WM clan... u only love me. xDD

i want him in our clan gays. he is a nice guy :)

Being a nice guy isn't good enough. He must be nice gay guy then he can come in :P In another case he will not survive especially on ts
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: chargeR
hahahaha :P U scared him xavio, I wanted to play with him a bit more but now he is gone coz of U....