CFG Help!

ah,what should i say in my defense? xD nothing because i really don't care what people think :D
i just want to have shiny guns and sticky hip fire :P
btw move topic to CoD section, i thought this was someone from swat saying they have CFG problem :)
you need to polish it whole night. Ask Filix, he polished his gun by his own balls and now its shining like a mirror :P
its in grahical settings u can do it ingame lol...proceed by "enable- disable" u ll find it quick...but btw it changes nothing, other don't see ur ak shining in killcam
lol man you can make your AK to be shiny like Filix ass just go to settings and adjust it,its 2 secs job :P
so every1 voting yes on jetson got his dick sucked? im glad i voted no because im nay gay
its in grahical settings u can do it ingame lol...proceed by "enable- disable" u ll find it quick...but btw it changes nothing, other don't see ur ak shining in killcam

but what command it is ? :\
and no, i didn't format my c :D too much porn on it