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btw...u all know i m the fucker around there sooooo one little thing appealed my attention in this topic. I don't wanna start an argue, i just want admins/leaders to think about it.

Warlord u said if sound decide that the ban stays then it stays. I do not agree on that.

Sound u know i love you and i definitly have nothing against you, but "i don't ban for fun"....mmh who does? every admin has done mistakes. This guy is banned for 1 year, u don't even remember what's that all about, so until he's proven guilty or until u can justify that he was cheating and how...well imo he's unbanned (now he insulted so he burnt himself)

we are admins, not dictators. I know u are a serious admin and i highly respect you sound, but in my opinion admins do not have to state on keep bans / unbans...they have to talk about the case and explain how this ban happened. Leadz will state on it.

for this phantom this is no surprise, he insulted you, etc and spammed all around so its obvious that this ban stays. But on other cases imo the admins have to justify themselves, whoever they are and this is also the reason why there are cheaters around that are not banned yet. Cause we cannot act like god admins.

I don't ban for fun neither, but it sometimes happened that i had a doubt reading the forums posts and being able to question ourselves is always an improvment, that will never make you a bad admin...all admins did mistakes and ever will do (copyright Ceeee)

btw that phantom is not clear since he said : i play all servers i m not cheaters / i play only in WM server.
after what he insulted you for his own loss. Bad idea

i was hesitating posting again an outtopic post but i couldn't forbid myself doing so :p deal with it ^^
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: sound
np mate i know all,i cant remember how much times i talk to KF to unban someone coz i made mistake and of kors how can i remember ban from 1 ago :D , 1st never RAGE-BAN coz i m not pro player and i dont care bout score :D i play for fun and hate hackers,shitters and noobs , i agree if some of us is not sure we should talk about him (ppl like Brycka) i made topic bout him we decide to let him play i said ok,so i m totaly agree ;) and btw insult me? fak ju madafakaaaaaaa
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
Hi I am friend of phantom,
I don't speak very well english but i am better of him.I understand almost all your messages and he doesn't so I wil speak for him.
First he is sorry for the insults he told you but you can understand when you are ban from the server since one year for suspiscious of cheat out of proofs it's irritating.When he can't defend his self on his own language it made ​​him angry.

Ryu said:
btw that phantom is not clear since he said : i play all servers i m not cheaters / i play only in WM server.
after what he insulted you for his own loss. Bad idea
I don't understand why you say he is no clear,Phantom was saying " he play every server in cod4 but he was never banned for cheating'
So as you said , you can not proof he was cheating and he is ban on the server that was a long time ago
I know there are a lot of server in cod4 and he can play elsewhere but I insist that you think a second time before deciding to banish him because we like this server and we want to play together.

Sorry for my bad english I hope you will understand. :)

Now that's more like it. Your english is also understandable.

Considering the fact he was banned like a year ago or so + we have stream now and can keep eye on him, I could give him another chance.

What ya think Sound the gay? :D

It's ok too if your opinion is still the same and I'll close the topic.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: sound and UFO
man true dat we have ggc what is half of our job on server,if u guys want unban idc and i wont be mad,if he still hacking someone will ban him soon,so do what u think is best choice... peace
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
Throw my opinion in here cus im brittish ya get me?
I think since the ban was a year ago we should unban him, but he should always play under the nick phantom so we know who he is.
Ive known sound for a long time and i know if he was banned for suscpicion of wh then he most likely was/or ghosting etc w/e.
Unban him but with warning.
Also one last thing - Stop raging and sort out your behaviour otherwise that will end up being the reason for your next ban.
Peace :)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
I feel generous, if someone will take in consider my opinion (nobody probably, I dnt care eighter) I say unban the bro! No ban no cry!

Ps even thou the quotation to Mr Marley is made mistaking the original meaning and the phrase construction ;)
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
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