Battlefield 4

I wouldnt suggest preorder this shit.
1stly I'll play beta. Then if I will like it, I'll wait until they make some premium edition or some kind of this to avoid the overpayment. But, honestly, I guess it will be same bugged nonoptimised shit as it was with bf3.
Just got the new PC @ monday so it's a must, to buy BF4 ;) Need to buy the Premium shiet on mu bf3 account... Bet there will be something useful for B4 too in it
It should at least be better than CoD 3943843901032. I'm really waiting for gta 5 :D
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meh, gta is a boring crap. The only GTA I liked - was San Andreas. Playing as dat niger in single player was unforgetable. And those cheaters in multiplayer too.^^ btw, better try saint row 4. 3th part was just crazy. :D
Is there anyone from WM playing BF4 or BF3? :) Reinstalled BF4 few days ago but I'm still a bit "between" BF4 and BF3 cause I'm having some performance issues with BF4 :(