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Jun 27, 2013
Hey guys I received a permanent ban a couple of days ago with a message that said something like "go play tdm" on your SD HC Server.

I think I got this ban for camping aka standing too long in one spot.
I'm sorry, I only started to play COD4 Multiplayer and I had no knowledge of the maps etc. - so rather than running in the open, I tried to stay somewhere hidden when too much shooting was going on (not forever but like 20 seconds). I apologize, I will not do that again.

I followed the request and played Team Deathmatch for one day. But I have to say that's a slaughterhouse and has little to do with a tactical shooter. I'm coming from "True Combat: Elite" (some of you may know it) and I searched an alternative. I think I like COD4 SD and your server seems to be one of the best out there.

So again, I apologize and I will not do that again!

P.S.: I've seen other players camping the bombsites or the dropped bomb - is that allowed? I'm just trying to learn how to behave in COD4 SD :)
hey mate i find it cool u came here. Actually i banned u cause u had no clue @ all what's the game, and that made u break the rules of our svr. I knew u were a beginner and i thought u should learn one thing by one...first learn moving, then shooting so u can play the objectives. Well u seem like a mature and calm dude. I can tell you over xfire what u needa know about our server, and i believe u ll improve fast.

Sorry for banning, i had no clue u were trying to get it sort out, i just thought u were lost in our server.

my xfire = dickharper
Camping bombs or the bombsite is fine, its part of playing the objective, feel free to do it
Thank you. I would never try to kill any WM-Members B)
Ya I had XFire for sometime back in the day hmmm, I'll try to find my user-login...
for instance that was a joke! WM members are players as much as the others on our server ;)
thanks for explaining the joke jetty. It is very useful in case he is a retard.
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