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Jun 17, 2013
well i was afk, got kicked- went back to the server, was again afk for some seconds- got perma banned "play anywhere else"

so that is the way u treat with visitors?

server: cod4 s&d hardcore
playername: egal
time of bann: 18.06.2012/ about 00:30 am

hope u can reverse it
First if u are going afk for long time, join spec, second time you connected to the server, again u went to afk, so admin maybe kick/ban or permban for few mins (I don't know the time because I didn't kick you). An advice, next time go spec.

Anyways u will be unbanned but w8 the admin who banned you to do it.
afk is not tollerated, plus u must be very dumb to go afk again just after u got kicked for afk!
permban will probably be lifted as gumias said, but next time it maynot happen
We dont perma ban for afk, thats way to harsh. Give them a temp ban for like an hour or 2. Whoever banned you must have been in a bad mood.
i was playing too when this happened, it was either smokin or ryu.

but yea as people said your ban will most likely be lifted so just wait.
2013-06-18 02:33:16 ryu@Hardcore Server: pb_sv_ban 10 \"go play somewhere else\" //Username=egal IP= (AT)
yeah...once afk i kick you and write the reason : go spec when u afk plz.....u come to the server again and are directly afk again...u just played me.

its not about threating visitors bad, i welcome everybody that joins WM as long as he respects the rules. We are here to keep the svr clean, not to play the police.

the first warning should have had effect on you, but u decided not to follow my advice. So u lose 30 min of ur time recording urself on this forum, posting, and 2 days waiting for the answer...was it worth it? give me ur guid i ll unban you.
well as he's not answering fast enough, someone unban him plz, i m leaving for 2 days right now, tomorrow is my last day of exams, i ll be on my appartment without inet

cross fingers for me bluds!!!
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