

May 22, 2013

I have been playing on the WM servers on and off for some time and last week i got banned for cheating. I would like you to check closer on this and if possible remove my ban since i have never and will never cheat.


are you kidding me?

u got banned 1 week ago, and u post only now? u provide us a bullshit sentence with things noone cares about and don't give us your name, guid, the server u played in and the admin that banned u? u don't tell us what day it was neither.......

well dude either u don't care of ur fucking both cases i will be as lazy as you are and tell you to fuck off until u have a serious matter to share...

if you wanna be unbanned make an effort. Jeez
The name i use is SockerSlyna. I dont really know what guid is and how i present it to you. I dont know which admin banned me. Perhaps i am lazy but i dont remember on what day i got banned and i resently found out about the ban appeal thing.

After some googling i think my guid is: f23d2dff. Do you need anything more?

Thanks /Sockerslyna
2013-05-13 22:53:33 ryu@Hardcore Server: pb_sv_ban 21 \"wh-aimbot/assist\" //Username=SockerSlyna IP= (SE)

mmh...i don't remember him @ all.....someone does?

edit : if i wrote wh-aimbot/assist it means that he saw through the walls + had an assist to the aim which can be an aimassist or an any case the combo of both of wh-aimbot was so obv that i wrote those both reasons....i didn't hesitated @ all as it seems...may be a dude headshotting all around and spamming whole mag wallbang so i just banned as fast as possible.

+ its a brand new guid, why?

+ waited nearly 2 week before appeal, why?

mmh well still i can't remember the dude, so up to you ;)
Butcher said:
Hello I was banned from the server worldmafia Rifle hard for what I wrote on the Russian ban permamentnym unban please I will continue to write in English is my nickname Butcher >>> my GUID e427e581
Thank you :)