Banned from COD HC Server

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Jan 21, 2013
Hi, I'm RoberST and yesterday I got banned from the HC server. I've been playing in this server for a very long time and I've never used cheats, so I don't really know why that happened. Hope I can be unbanned, or someone tell me why I got banned!
Hey Bibok! I have no idea, i was playing with you, U.F.O and Missy when that happened so... The reason was: "NOOB" or something like that... it was weird
Violation information from
Ban Date: Aug 20, 2012 at 6:03:15 am EDT
PBBans BanID: 272155
PBBans Ban Link:
GUID: c6da4437841a796b89072d6e6c701904
Game: Call of Duty 4
Violation: VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) 120171

22.9.2012 16.36
Tag Paradox79.46.*.* Violation (AIMBOT) #50663

[08.20.2012 12:03:15] VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) #120171: Flashbach (slot #9) [c6da4437841a796b89072d6e6c701904(VALID)]

Time to buy a new cd/digital copy.
Yeah Ceee, i know that. But it was not me, I'm from Spain and the one who cheated was some Italian guy playing on a French server. I was really surprised when I saw that, because someone was playing with my GUID, I don't know how that's possible.

I opened a ticket at EvenBalance and they said the can do nothing, but for example, my brother (who obviously play with this GUID) got unbanned from the ESL for this reason.
Well idk, rather get the dirt off your guid and buy a new one, it always sucks to be ggc banned anyways and if you look for a cheap one you can get a key for like 10-15€
just unban him, he's not cheating at our servers + i've played with him and noone told me that he is cheating or that he is obv..and all that epic things. =)
Ceeee, where did you see that? It shows you in which server happened? Because I've never, ever cheated, I guess it could be for the same reason I was banned here, they saw that Gamehook violation from the Italian guy and they banned me.
Wahaha yes I've noticed :D

So be it then... Unban, but I still suggest you to buy a new digital copy.
De nada primo! ahora dona algo al clan 10 euricos aunque sea. haaaay no me seas raaata
Hi all!

It seems that I'm banned again, and again I don't know the reason. This time I wasn't banned while playing, 1 or 2 weeks ago I could play without problem but now I can't. It says that I was banned by server admin... Can anybody help me?

Y ya veo que hay mucho español por aqui, está bien saberlo! jeje. Un saludo a todos :)
We are ggc protected now, probably ur guid is banned on ggc, again our suggestion is to buy a new cd key.
So... an admin can't do anything in this case? What a shame omg... lets see what I can do, i'll open a ticket at ggc or something.

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