banned for no reason on the server

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ill be more active now that i got back my mac ;)
and dude, our admins doesnt need evidence of proof if they are sure u hack they ban u, as if we should take demos of each hacker we ban lol!
and if I am not a hacker? + just give ban more and insult me​​, is this normal? if he did not like something, it does not mean that you can ban!!
Well words, words , words. I saw several times when poeple complain on uac3 forum about own ban at end they admitted they cheated but it was only once ;) Second side of that story can be someone is skilled and got ban by mistake. Anyway as like I said conversation about that on forum is useless cause natural thing is english guy can easier defend himself than someone who weakly know english. It is not first such a thread and in such a case player should be checked by uac , tzac or other antycheat. Yes to avoid next stupid qestion nobody with brain join to server with cheat but you can make conclusion after couple maps if magic skill just disappeared. Just my 3 cents
guys stop this spam about whos cooler admin
i dont care whos right, horny or igor but fact is tht he asures tht he didnt hack he was just wallbaning in some spots but if u ask me its a part of the game, everyone who played even 1 day promod uses it, its tactic and 2nd thing he insists tht he didnt swear - no misbehaviour. try to fix this, fun is alright but seems like u dont give a fk about bans right now and tht sucks.
It seems like your guid is fairly new and you claim to just be "good at the game"...... i honestly dont think that ban should be removed unless you only play under 1 name since you bought the game and you only play on 1 server.... which i find very unlikely
yes key new! so what now? I play cod4 for more than two years, and why I can not play well? it is forbidden to play well? there is already a matter of principle
The thing im saying is i find it suspisous why you would get a new key.... and how many times have you been getting a new key and you cant seem to come up with a good explanation therefor the ban should stay unless you can come up with something trustworthy
first: iam the most loved admin on promod server, BECAUSE I ALWAYS BAN PEOPLE WITHOUT A REASON!

to the topic:

we dont need to argue about bans here, at least not if they're made by an admin like horny who got lots of game experience.
if he says that you were suspicious and if he is sure that you hacked, the ban stays.thats what he does and there is absolutely no point why woudl we start arguing now.

3rd party programs can easily be turned off and even be un- and re-installed if pc is viewed with teamviewer e.g.
even if you had at least played like over 6 month on our server, you couldve still turned your hacks on while playing and only a small amount of people wouldve noticed if that wouldve not been like the biggest skillboost in 2k12.

But, we decide from what we can see. It's actually a shame that we start arguing with each other sometimes, just because someone knows "the one who got banned". The admin decides and thats what horny did.

And btw:

i totally +1 warlord. playing for 2 years and you've only changed your nick like 7 times? thats rather unlikely. It's also rather unlikely that i can not find any google hit regarding either your nickname or your guid. That would at least help us to get a bit more view on you as a player. But, since i can't find out when your guid was used for the first time, i dont really think that you used this guid for over 2 years. I'd say we're finished discussing here unles Horny has stated his point and i guess that most of us, if its not all, trust him.
I wrote the same kind of the key new!! him only a month or even less! so there is only one nick! license key I was not playing for fun, a friend two years ago showed me this game! ! key decided to buy it because I'm in the Ukrainian clan! clan called PTH (remember this name)compulsory license key attributes clan! if I had to I could to Use the key of my brother! when he wanted to and if it was I needed! here not long ago and bought myself the key! What's the difference what my key?! importantly, the admin who banned me, did not understand the balance and all the features of the game, it turns out!! I never used cheats!this is not necessary, I already know how to play! game experience I have a good, probably playing in the strongest clan of Ukraine! I can play at this level and with any anti-cheat and show you my normal game, it will be like takoyzhe without anticheat! point is simply that you do not hide behind each other believe that the admin can make a mistake!but he was wrong!! they were shot at the standard of my favorite map, that I should not to Use them only because of the fact that the administrator who does not know I can ban?I think that I am not the first player who was banned for a reason!
if I really enjoyed the cheats, how would I write here? really started it all? just is not fair!! without proof!! niodnogo no proof!! It can not be! i clean!
The conversation is over the ban stays even if you like it or not find another server to play on
Calm down :P Honestly I also dont like it. I didnt said he not cheated but new cd key isnt argument ;) Again there is lack of guy who could make final decision. Anyway if Horny is sure than lock topic and case is closed. Dont waste space on disc since KF won't pay for it anymore :P
I am very happy! you should consider who you Admin! but then someone else for no reason just banned! fairness, I have not got! your total-only assumptions are unfounded! you are wrong!
watch it this way: it is OUR server, WE DECIDED THAT U CANT PLAY ON OUR SERVER.
end of story
originally given ban is not fair, then blame that I have a new key! do not know something to complain about! that can play well and have a new key!? again and tell me what is the reason that I was banned what evidence the fact that I was not playing fair? where is the evidence? he was wrong!!
ban him even from forum pls!
dude life aint always fair! our server our decisions. stop
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