Ban for Memento...

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Sep 24, 2011

It's been a while...

Anyway, long story short, i was banned from wm snd server some days ago by one of your members manonfire. I must tell that at that very moment there were 23 players online and noone complained about my way of playing. Suddenly i got banned. I kindly request to be unbanned as i have never cheated in any game i ever played. People who know me just know i do not cheat. I don't even have the knowledge how to cheat. i doubt that any screenshots were taken, but you can't just ban someone especially when noone out of the 23 players was suspecting or complaining except one of the members. Please reconsider and unban me as wm is my favourite public server to play.

Yes I discussed with Ryu about your ban a while ago;

He was on the server too, when you got banned, he specced you many many times too but couldn't see anything on you what could lead into ban.

Let's wait for Fire to reply! Have patience!
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu
I know MEMENTO from game and I must say HE IS NOT A CHEATER,he is a sound whore like me. ;)
Thank you for your objective and quick replies Ceeee and Idrizi. Indeed i pay a lot of attention on sound. Yes i will be waiting...
Yea sound-bro + time lucker x)

But i say too never is him a cheater , good player

miss you MEME :( ^_^ ^_^ ban off plz
I know U too, never had suspects on U, but maybe ban wasn't for cheating, but for ur behaviour, lets wait for manonfire, he will clear this up
well yeah we talked with ceee about this ban, i speccd memento for a long time (many days) and never banned him, i was playing and checking when he has been banned so i doubt there i a proof to this...let's wait for mano but if he has no proof this ban is unfair since memento is a friend of bib and a known hc player...
I have never misbehaved to anyone in the server.. I hardly ever talk in there anyway..However thanks for your feedback guys. Looking forward to finally end this misunderstanding. Hopefully soon.
I will try to catch Manonfire today from the HC server and tell him to come explain the ban.

Every1 is welcome to info him about this ofc if you C him :D

EDIT: If Fire doesn't reply and explain/give proof @ this topic before tomorrow afternoon, you will be unbanned.
hi there guys. Was expecting this post. 23 Guys and no one complained? In various times people were wispering me about mementos weird behavior so me (MANonFIRE) and my bro (MANoWAR) investigated him. So we have 1 PC and my Laptop next to each other playing the game. At that time when MEMENTO was loged in. I was spectating memento and my bro was specting oposire team. He was following enemies behind walls and he knew where was each and everyone. If you guys saw what me and my bro saw at that time then you would be convinsed that memento is using Hacks. By the way some admins pointed him at me for his weird gameplay so please those admins to make a stand in this post.

Thanks for reading.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: JetsonRay
Thx for post Mano. Now lets wait for more opinions.

PS. Would be great if some doubt situations were recorded in future.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: manonfire
Srsly guys i know memento now over 4 years!!! I've been playing sooooo often with him and i'm 37392729464840% sure he isn't hackin and he'd never do!!!

Idk what mano saw but it wasn't memento hacking!!!

Ps.: he's a biiig sound whore
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Sedjan
He looked clear to me too, but Mike and Alex are really trustworthy persons and for sure not somebody that ban without a reason.
I support their decision
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: manonfire
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