Ban Dst.ChuCho


Nov 11, 2012
Hello guys ,

Today a man with the name Dst.Chu.Cho plays on your snd promod.

He Blocks a time doors so that nobody can run there, we all said him dont do this....

And in the First round (kniferund) he shots we all said him dont shot....

I hope you will banthis shit Ass

Guid c40d1dc3

LG abc :D
seems like he trolled you, although he wouldve got a 'kick' for the shooting haha
I can say that this is true though i think a ban is abit harsh, maybe a 2 hour ban but not perma :/
Ye blockers and knife shooters generally gets warned and then temp banned, perm ban is way too heavy for that
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Hm ye k, but we all said him, and he saidd" its my spot...." i get pissed off... than a lot play leave server becasue of him :(

WM wellsye said too, and he didnt hear at him^^
He doesnt hack no more, i kill him like every round pretty much... the kid cant scope xD jk, he is good player
I also find it much irritating from a co-player to block the whole team! it gets on my nerves badly, especially when scopes at start block AKUs. But banning a player for that and killing in knife round is a bit heavy, like Jetson said!