*Attention To All Personel. Swat 5 is Finally there.


Nov 3, 2009
Better Late Then Never, Swat 5 is in production and allmost released.
First of all i shall start with Hello. :) as you all know me from inagme name FPS_Rambo, i want to announce and i think i allready might have did
The new swat 4 >>>>>>> swat 5 thats right you heard it right, swat 5 is finally here (better late then never)
The producers of swat 4 and Rainbow six are developing a new game called TAKEDOWN:RED SABRE many Swat clans will switch to this new game
all the tactics from swat 4 will also be available on this brand new agme , tactics such as leaning gas,flash and such , Vip mode Barricated suspect and Rapid deployment mode and more will be added, the game is Pre-Purchasable on steam right now and as a matter of fact i also bought it, the
the pre-purchase of this game also includes a free DLC in it , not sure what type of DLC it is , but we will also have early access to the game.
Here is a gameplay video of the yet un-finished game that will soon be released. youtube.com/watch?v=J9h5vaoBeBc
emember that the game on this gameplay video is not yet finished, still in developement. i really hope to see a |WM| server on this game as soon it is
beeng released. many clans i know from swat 4 will be there with servers hosted.
i hope to have informed you enough for now.

Lets bring Swat Back.

With Respect


Krazyfire in preivous Topic post about Takedown >>>>>>> takedown looks like a nice game its sad i didnt kickstart it would of got it cheap but now whocares :P im freee
Krazyfire in new post of the game Takedown >>>>>>> Looks shit
Krazyfire beer chips and kebab!
the movement of you seems bit stiff/awkward and it seems very slow paced.. I'm guessing this is co-op on the footage and not the multiplayer?
EmoPig said:
The gameplay looks boring and the graphics are shit. SWAT 4 has a much more "mature" look.
you shouldnt be so negative, inside negative outside negative and you become negative, please dont be so negative without testing the game first, the game is not finished like i todl you, and the game will be 12 players and maybe no vip mod, but thats not a problem our programmer {ELF}McTash will make vip mod for this game if there is no vip mod and he will also increase the limit of players if it will be 12.
I highly doubt anything being developed i can make 100 euro bet on it :) unless it comes packaged with it
playing a game like swat with possibility of playing with new poeple will be awesome ,and just like nagi said altho i dont have 22 finger and i dont know where he found those hidden fingers ,lets cross them and hope for the best
I hate it when developers make the old game look shiny and then sell it on as a 'brand new fps tactical shooter'. Call of Duty is a great example.
TBerty said:
I hate it when developers make the old game look shiny and then sell it on as a 'brand new fps tactical shooter'. Call of Duty is a great example.
or csgo
TBerty said:
I hate it when developers make the old game look shiny and then sell it on as a 'brand new fps tactical shooter'. Call of Duty is a great example.
ye that's why I'm not buying new cods :D no point.