Asking for tips


Retired Member
Apr 15, 2010
Hi guys, i been fighting against cigarettes for quite some time. I just cant quit smoking therefore im here making a post to ask you tips on how to do it. looks like a meeting of anonymous alcoholics. lol
I smoke about 20-30 cigg per day and I AM thinking to stop but i always say tomorow or I will try next week or ...
I think its everything in your mind and how much you are strong...if you really want to stop smoking,you will stop and never again take that sexy cute cigg :)
IF you cant stop smoking its beacuse you are little pussy and deep in yourself you dont want to quit thats why you cant stop...
Horny/murc said:
im here making a post to ask you tips
tips ... that's what the dancers in a stripclub get. i'm sure u want some advice :D

so, here is the most helpful one: just don't start smoking :)
:) i havent smoked in 3-4months i feel so great lol i did smoke 20-40cig per day before..i did just stop it and first 3 days my hands where sweating lot and i was bit nervous,i did replace cig with
AND i did eat thosre always when i wanted to smoke...just use u mental power and u survive!
If you cant fight it, accept it. I cen sell you cigaretter in good price. Legal. Whan mark you want? Marlboro, LM, West, Camel, Gauloises, Lucky Strike, Vouge? What size ? King Size? Slim ? Super Slim? 100 ? Or maybe the chipest like : Nevada, Austin ? :)

And in serious, if you wanna quit smoking you must made it just now. No argue you will smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes in day. Also things like Nicorette or something like this is shit.

I just wonder 1 thing.... how old are you? I know you are youg so you cant smoke long time, at least no longer than 2-3 years, so comon, how can you say you cant stop smoking just after 3 years of smoking? loool after 2-3 years you aint even addicted to cigarettes. Come back when you will be smoking more than 10 years!
I like smoke, but I'm not addicted to it. When I buy a pack it last longer than 1 day :). Also the high prices are a thing which sometimes makes me not to buy it.
i do not accept that. i can t stop smokin. its a big lie. i smkoe very very very rarely. i smke 5 cigarettes per 3 mounths. and i used to mskoe a package when i was in uniersty. so it depends on you. if u really want to stop smoking . you can doo it
DarthGhost said:
If you cant fight it, accept it. I cen sell you cigaretter in good price. Legal. Whan mark you want? Marlboro, LM, West, Camel, Gauloises, Lucky Strike, Vouge? What size ? King Size? Slim ? Super Slim? 100 ? Or maybe the chipest like : Nevada, Austin ? :)

And in serious, if you wanna quit smoking you must made it just now. No argue you will smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes in day. Also things like Nicorette or something like this is shit.

I just wonder 1 thing.... how old are you? I know you are youg so you cant smoke long time, at least no longer than 2-3 years, so comon, how can you say you cant stop smoking just after 3 years of smoking? loool after 2-3 years you aint even addicted to cigarettes. Come back when you will be smoking more than 10 years!
im 23, and i smoke for 9 years. but thanks for the kinds words;D
bro goodluck man, its hard to stop, i tried like 3 times..
you can do it if you really want to, like said before.. i think when you fail, you just like smoking to much..
here in holland, its most ppl who smoke who are nice and kind, socializing outdoors and stuff like that..
so you gonna miss out on all that, but it will be cheaper.. and your lungs wont turn even more black :D

goodluck if you really want bro, you got my support :)