Anyone wonna play?

grab a hotdog and then a slice of bread, put a slice of cheese on the slice of bread and then put the hotdog and wrap the bread and put this into the toaster, voila you have yourself a nice breakfast
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Reactions: KrazyFire
havent u asked the same question like 10 times before?

well, there was once such thread, like 2 years ago, mayby. Thus, new gays in WM ergo they might want to play :)

or this:

but its more random, lucky based game. Sabb can confirm that :)

I just see it entertaining when 7 members would play each state. This will make the game intresting and full of traitors ;) Comm on 7 ppl, rules are simple :)
Conquer Club was ok and funny.

Dunno that first one... are the rules complicated ?
the first game requires strategic,logical thinking and forecasting action - reaction decision making. Secret diplomacy, regular talks with other players, and the ability to cooperate is important. It is typical realpolitic game. Those are mental traits, that u don't need, to play ;). Overall rules you have on the page + images of case studying, but they are simple. The most intresting point, is that you are playing with humans, thus they can make unrational decions...just like humans do.

This game was one of my lecturers. Same rules, same states. I remeber, while the training round was on, in a same group was guy with his gf. The game was on, he decided to make rational decision to survive in game. He attacked state that his gf was in lead of. The girls after two rounds rushed from the room crying out loudly :D
This game was one of my lecturers. Same rules, same states. I remeber, while the training round was on, in a same group was guy with his gf. The game was on, he decided to make rational decision to survive in game. He attacked state that his gf was in lead of. The girls after two rounds rushed from the room crying out loudly :D

Nerds :P
pending on the game you are playing. The free option allows to play a game with a pace for a move in 24h. However, if all players press " ready: button before 24h passes, the game moves on to next round. So basically, the speed of the game depend on players. For instance, you can organize all 7 players on specific time/date and play it in one night. Like i said, if there will be 7 members from WM, it should not be a problem to make and finish a game in few hours. Nevertheless, 2 - 3 days should be in account. I remeber playing the world map option with like 30 players on. it took 2 months to finish the game.
Sound worse than league of legends even runescape looks interesting

Well, at least it is not addicting ;) Trust me, after playing couple of games you will be tired of people cheating and betreying you :)

sry, there is place for 6 people. On board game were 7 states. Anyway, 2 are in, 4 to go. Comm on gays.