Age of Empires III

Main game + expansion (installing The WarChiefs is optional) :

Patch for The Asian Dynasties:

Crack for The Asian Dynasties: (Click on Slow Download)

Hamachi: (tick the Condition of Use box before you press Download Now)

A file from the pakistani nerd, in case that Hamachi doesn't work properly: (Click on Slow Download)

Some extra info:
After everything is installed, open age3y.exe (which is The Asian Dynasties), go to Multiplayer, select LAN, then go to "Manage Home Cities" and press on "Create new Home City". After that, just click on create (it will create a Chinese home city, which is required to play the game in LAN, for an unknown reason). Now, if you want to play with another faction, simply go back to "Manage Home Cities" and click again on "Create new Home City", then select the faction that you wish to play with. After you do that, go back to "Mange Home Cities", click on "Select a Home City" and be sure that your favourite faction is selected (double click on it).

That would be all. I expect my clock to be polished when you're done.
You still have the stuff i gave you on ur server zugi? ffs go clean up your server maybe it will run better then or i call you myt zugi :D