AFK| Sex!* = Ali G .. perman ban

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Ali g

Jul 5, 2011
mmm I want know why kick and perm ban me in HC server I entry and kill 5 in poor time with eagle and kinfe and Im kicked and perman ban ... Im not use hack and others programms...
i know i just wonder if there is a problem whit our CoD server cuz we have gay ppl who make server xD
i have no idea ali G . just can u give us your guid then we may search why u are banned
I can't see your name between pb bans.. give us your guid please :D
ali ... its guid but with 8 numbers we need 32 numbers.. listen..

1. go on server with PB
2. type in console /pb_myguid

if u dont want write ur all guid.. type in console

/condump myguid.txt

now ur myguid.txt is saved in activision/call of duty 4 modern warfare : D
mmm strange, remember how damo asked me why i kicked him... but it wasnt me... dont know this guy and i believe at this moment there wasnt anyone of admins online :/
Ali g said:
im not understand what are you saying?

ahahahahahaha so it means you are normal. noone understand what KF said coz his english is sux ( btw he live in England )
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