
May 7, 2013
Sorry i don"t speak english so i say french

Des admins tels que warlord se permettent de camper sur des maps tel que backlot et ca rage
1 player campait avec lui et bien naturellement warlord campait alors au lieu de donner des lecons au autre parce que il se croit très très mature
Il devrait deja respecter les règles et c'est pas la premiere que ca arrive chez lui :)))

Tks admins Good night
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: jOe!
I enter the server and i see you complaining about random players. I kill you once on backlot attack from my spawn because most people died from nades and i was the scope. You bitch about me camping and shit talk me. I kick you for 0 minutes with the message "be nice or the next one is 60 min".

You then return to the server and continue to shit talk me. I give you a 60 min ban, which you were warned about, and you come here complaining about admin abuse.

You even wrote on the server "Respect the rules Warlord" while you are the one breaking every single one of them. Im just doing my job and if you dont like it find another server to play on.
Sorry i don "t speak English so i say french

Admins such as warlord to allow camping on maps such as ca backlot and rage
1 player camped with him and then quite naturally warlord camped instead of giving lessons to another because it feels very very mature
It should already comply with the rules and this is not the first that it happens at home))

Tks admins Good night

neumim anglicky, tak tady zacnu psat cesky. Snad to nebude nikomu vadit? :)'est%20pas%20la%20premiere%20que%20ca%20arrive%20chez%20lui%20))
Warlord est un admin donc s'il est sur le serveur tu n'as pas à lui dire quoi faire. Un admin peut être afk en train de scanner un guid, une IP, etc ce n'est pas ton problème.

Warlord is an admin so if he's on the svr u don't have to tell him what to do. An admin can be afk scanning a guid, an IP, etc it ain't ur business.

BTW Warlord camping aint a secret :P
French are always right.

  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Ryu