A wild presentation

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Hi Claire ! :welcome_sub:

French Wild Girl - my dream come true xD

Have a nice stay here and on our servers :wave:
Silver, do u really use a translator? Or is that your french? Because if it's only your french, you're not so bad for a foreigner. :P

Sabbath, glad to realize your dreams! :P Hi.
lol Menc........PUTA or PUTO not pute;D

aime Mencjusz...........? lol u r rly gay.....
WombaT said:
my french is .......je m;apele Wombat;D

and Ou a carrefour?;D

je m'appelle Silver, and where do u want to go?

Mencjusz said:

pute...oh it spanish
....aime Mencusz XD

it's "puta" in Spanish, and u love urself?
well...thats not the worst...image how virus and filix starts: hi im shemale, hi im gay perv. XD
WildGirl said:
And after DG, you'll ask me to send you one of my underwear?... You seem to be more crazy than WMs! :P

I can give you a website where you'll be able to satisfy all your strange pleasures : it is called youporn.com! Have a nice look!

Hi Filix and Wombat! :P

lol honey dont be so vanity. i didnt ask for your underwear :4:
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