
  • Friday 30th January 18:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Friday 30th January 20:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • Saturday 31th January 17:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Saturday 31th January 19:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Saturday 31th January 21:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Sunday 1st February 17:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Sunday 1st February 19:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Sunday 1st February 21:00 (Berlin time)

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Phah. Fuck exams. :D Matter not how hard you studying, but how good you are with teachers and professors. :D
SkandalisT said:
Phah. Fuck exams. :D Matter not how hard you studying, but how good you are with teachers and professors. :D
Man the more I am into schools and stuff the more I see this as pure truth...
Thats why in the end of each year we can judge the teacher anonymously here :D
Because this is truth.
I had perfect example 2 days ago:
In subjects, which I've not studied, where I counted on my charisma on the exam, I got 4.6\5.0, 4.7\5.0 and 4.8\5.0 grades on each.
Subject I studied, but had not really good relationships with teacher - 3.6\5.0 points.
(In my university erverything than is higher than 4.5 = excelent, more than 3.5 = good.)
I was D: D: D: WTF when I got 3.6. I was sure, I can't get lower than excelent. =(

So, your confidence, charisma and relationships decide about 80% from the result.
And remember, never ever let your teacher think, you don't give a shit about his subject. :D I've did a terrible mistake, when I thought leaving lesson in front of everyone, eating fruits and other kinda inapproprirate moves won't affect me, cuz I'm too smart and etc etc. :D Nobody can forbide teacher give you grade, which he just want to give.^^

Date: Sunday 1st of february
Time: 19:00 CET (Berlin time)
Game version: 1.1
Server IP: Push me.
Password: -
Players allowed to participate: Any WM member, active or inactive, legend or retired.
Game mod: VIP
Teamspeak: WM (must)
Players signed up so far:
- Xavii
- Hunter
- Krazyfire
- Linux
- Zugi
- Skandalist
- Durden
- Pistolero
- Filix78
- Keyes
- Bane
- Iceman
- Nagi
- MissVampire
- Freddy
- Euskadi
- Gumias
- Fox
- Ben
- Titinho
- You? :)
Although I got the exact time I voted on I can't be 100% if I'll be there, things are getting warmer here =/ but don't remove me from the list, I'll try playing from my iphone ;)
Server up and running with 32 slots, should even block all queries. Server can be started/stopped by emo and keyes i guess, in case it crashes or whatsoever.
We will see how it performs with all those full and resource hungry csgo servers, that already use 30+ Mbit/s upload 24/7 and CPU peaks at 85% :D

Server info here m8ies:

>> Push me.
  • L (D) i k e
Reactions: Durden