you're totally right Red! he clearly called you an idiot and needs to die. i just spoke to a lawyer about this case. insulting @ cod4 is a serious matter!!!
stupid whats with what who get what? so you smoked weed and never did it again, because you would be a stupid fuck but you tell others to smoke weed but only if they stop after first time, because otherwise they'd be stupid fucks too.
Countdown in Rota? Nice! In my opinion it's a good map for SnD and a fast one too, because you can't hide anywhere. is broadcast in, too? many players love it.
my favorite rotation would be
backlot bog crash citystreets strike convoy crossfire countdown backlot overgrown crash showdown strike...
next time highlight the relevant text please. as ghost already said you started the whole thing. what goes around, comes around. the other players said the same things about you. not only lenin. defend yourself next time or just ignore the trashtalk.