Search results

  1. GameSpy dead

    few servers are registered or at least it looks
  2. aaaah !

    aaaah !
  3. Partnership with AR51

    noob down ;D Welcome to the forum see ya on server:)
  4. GameSpy dead

    Jetson, its a girl :P
  5. GameSpy dead

    bad step to just destroy this game...
  6. Hey all =)

  7. Hi guys Semper in da house^^

    what Michal is meaning to give me a rcon account on cod4 :P Btw Hi semper fi ;D
  8. banned for no reason on the server

    thats the admin we need on cod servers :P
  9. banned for no reason on the server

    I haven't banned you coz im not admin so :P btw let wait who banned you and why and then we will discuss about ur ban
  10. banned for no reason on the server

    Your heli was hacked sorry :P
  11. No Fear Red is Here!!

    I think 1.0 :P
  12. No Fear Red is Here!!

    Hi welcome and enjoy on our servers ;D
  13. haxor is back :*
  14. haxor is back :*

    Hey suckmyb0t ;D whats up? Matches Played: 1,5 Won:1 Lost:0 Tie:0 That 1/2 match do not ended :P We are out coz of ''2x no show'',both can be disscused, but really I lost my interest on this tourno from its becoming crazy with these changing rules everytime
  15. great songs!
  16. Your gaming rig.

    this? not? :P
  17. help to my band

    Ya esta xd
  18. lol...

    lol still banned :P
  19. Inactive for a time.

    Tomate una semana de relax sin pc y disfruta de la vida xDD y que vuelvas con fuerzas para jugar en el HC server P.D: yo tb necesito una semanita d relax xD
  20. itZWeeD

    Add poll to kick him!. Np man :D