Search results

  1. What is your job?

    you better tell us how much you earn ;) :D :D

    Ice I think it is hard to draw line when someone spraying and when ppl prefire. That is the main reason why I dont like COD4. You can kill evn behind wall.
  3. Webdiplomacy WM game?

    ok im in
  4. Webdiplomacy WM game?

    you should inform mencjusz on fb ;)
  5. CoD 4 Tournament

    Since there is nothing new in subject beside person charge of donations I moved topic to cod section. Feel free to announce information about tournament in NEWS section when there will be any worth information like date , rules etc
  6. Happy birthday Emo

    Happy birthday to my little gypsy friend Emo.
  7. WM owns!

    give me 1 month Berty and i will f u in cs :p
  8. dRUNKED

    dont finish like that
  9. GYM Motivation!
  10. The training server!

    half euro ? than im not in :(
  11. How you doin'?

  12. What is your job?

    10 euro ? In Poland I have such a wiggers like you 2 euro per hour :D
  13. Rog

    hello isnt honcho KF ?
  14. What is your job?

    how many hours per week you work ?
  15. What is your job?

    Do you piss sometimes to chips ?
  16. CS:GO Market Who wanna buy it ?
  17. News! Servers & Plugins

    wow I have to say im suprised how many players already visited our server
  18. CS:GO Daily Deal - Only 2€! [Offer Expired]

    Make list who wanna get that game and lets buy more copies
  19. Word association game

    come at me bro
  20. The party LAN

    KF your english sucks :P