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  1. Silver

    New Server

    oomg, menc has the FLOWER POWER
  2. Silver

    HEY Guys !!

    welcome on forum. NEVER AGAIN! :Booty:
  3. Silver

    Dia=Noob :P

    i remembered the reason: KF said that last time cause of Dia the svr crashed, so he banned him ;-P
  4. Silver

    Dia=Noob :P

    yeah, i was there too => too funny and he clicked fast 5 times ban, so u got banned between the 4th and 5th ban. because of that i thought u disconnected urself to make a joke ;-P omg, we cant read ur ip ;-P pssst, if anyone wants to hack him, i have his ip. ask via xfire ;-P
  5. Silver

    New Server

    KF, close poll while M1911 is still ahead of the others ... ;-P
  6. Silver

    New Server

    ok, i think u mistunderstood me, i'll put it easier: -rambo vip with 9mm can go alone to exit => bad game -rambo vip with M1911 will be arrested for sure if he hasnt cover => good game and vip shouldn't have stingers ...
  7. Silver

    New Server

    with ur argumentation it sounds like: "no matter how bad the vip or swat play, they always should win" and don't forget that it's a team-game, vip shouldn't be able "to stay alive without being arrested" when he's alone without cover.
  8. Silver

    New Server

    DG sucks ;-P M1911 with many bullets and without stingers, pls :smile_tities:
  9. Silver

    WM Elections

    let me guess, bob is our wm gay and he deleted the poll that noone sees it?
  10. Silver

    Serious Poll !!

    a question, "YES" isn't an option? => dia may not vote?
  11. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    damn, i should have closed the poll while "yes" was leading ;-P => every map except Diamond Center should be once in maplist => 16 maps
  12. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    i think MYT hadn't this map for over a year ... and i am often in other servers ;-P
  13. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    AE / CTA knows the map very well, cause they play the map in their svr ... i never can decide which stairs are red and which are blue ...
  14. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    sry, m8, but the poll at moment: 5 for the map, 4 against it => democracy says map is in
  15. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    Powerplant twice in the list, but Foodwall, Victory Imports, Children of Taronne, Wolcott Projects and Lab only once ... that Diamond Center is only once in the list is okay i would like to have every map twice except Diamond Center (and maybe Power Plant).
  16. Silver

    MAP: DuPlessis Diamond Center

    Should the DuPlessis Diamond Center map been added to our servermaplist, too? if yes, how often should this map run? PS: since filix added the last 2 maps, svr is updating settings at start of each round => it's as if we are for 2 sec in spec mode!
  17. Silver

    Maps on the server

    enjoy to play them* like to play them*
  18. Silver

    Hello People

    omg, xavii, dont tell him to download it illegal ... u should have said: WM normally only plays the normal SWAT4, the addon which is in the Gold Edition has other weapons and game modes, so its fun to have it, too. Of course there are many players who downloaded it illegally and it's really no...
  19. Silver

    Hello People

    PLAY MORE OFTEN IN WM SVR, we checked ur stats: only 7 minutes ...
  20. Silver

    new spam game
