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  1. Salmon FAIL :D

    hahaha lol you can't ask for something like a colour unless you want pink xD
  2. Salmon FAIL :D

    haha xD
  3. Salmon FAIL :D

    jk i love you thanks for unkick, i am the gay :D
  4. !!

    haha hector xD
  5. Salmon FAIL :D

    lol lies, i can connect, i dont see a problem? FAKE! i can make fakes too! |WM|Salmon: hey man how ya doing? |WM|Salmon: respond please |WM|Salmon: nab |WM|FiliX78: im gay |WM|FiliX78: supergay!
  6. !!

    thanks krazyfire, means a lot to me, let me grab this moment to thank all people who made it possible for me to become gay of the year, ofcourse theres my mom and dad and sister, who always tought i was a bit different they made me realise im not a normal person. then there's this WM clan...
  7. Cheater !!!

    ty for report, so what happened to him? ;o do we know it's the real and not a faker?
  8. !!

    pfff i want pink name, salmons are pink and i hate the blue
  9. Lineage II - GxZone Server

    downloaded it! :)
  10. i wanna join worldmafia

    hahaha ;p ill find him in the grass hopper, or pitbull or something ;p or any other coffeeshop
  11. i wanna join worldmafia

    yeh, hereby, casper and i Salmon, KICK ALL PEOPLE FROM WM WHO DOESNT CARE ABOUT HORNLET :(
  12. i wanna join worldmafia

    pff he allready in holland? damn bro :/ wanted to meet him here xD
  13. Happy Birthday Krazy

    happy birthday sweetie, ill catch a grenade for ya!
  14. i wanna join worldmafia

    why moved to spam?!
  15. casper
