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  1. failed.

    Yep Sabbath, 3310 was tha best and I think it still is :D Had 1 and it COULDN'T be destroyed, you could drive over it with a tank and it'll still work :lol: I bet it's even more durable than Samsumg Xcover or what the hell is it... ^_^
  2. failed.

    Bah! Don't buy iphones or expensive phones at all, no need :D Isn't it enough that you can call and send messages with a phone? ^_^ Nokia 3510i or 3310! They're the best ;)
  3. Banned EF joker Joker

    Hehe, mistakes happen :) Casper, eat your nades :lol:
  4. Banned for no reason. Just a mad admin and a ban without a proof.

    Sounds like he doesn't give a shit about the ban if he's too lazy to come post here by himself! Tell him to learn english :D
  5. For your interest.

    Jup, never even looked suspicious on WM server(I have seen him there maybe 10 times only but still.) or if he have hacked, damn he is good hiding it BUT SUCKS PLAYING WITH 'EM ;) :lol: No idea to make this topic, doesn't proof he had wallhack if a few guys believed so! NO OFFENCE :)
  6. Computer Chance..

    Good luck! You're gonna need it! :lol:
  7. Funny Videos II Who is brave enough to get into a fight with that baby lolz
  8. Big battle,Unfuckingbelievable :D

    Hornets... big ugly bastards! :o
  9. Got Banned

    Ohhhh yes :lol:
  10. Got Banned

    He's above there, watchin' over us, taking care of us, keeping us save! Couldn't agree more with ya :wub: ;)
  11. Suggest

    I was just wondering, would It help if CONSOLE binds, would say ALL or some of the rules by once and straight like "with 1 warning" or something like that? Would people believe&obey the rules more etc. Like console doens't say (atleast in da HC server) "If you're gonna be afk, go to spectate!"...
  12. isnt it the cutest kitten ever?

    I thought so... :D Michal, how dare you... :huh: :D
  13. isnt it the cutest kitten ever?

    Small... innocent, not usefull etc. just like me :lol:
  14. NEW MAPS!

    "People want the bigger maps trust me", I've gotta agree with that ^_^ As expected, some1 will surely say "Who cares" etc. but seriously are the big maps such a bad idea? Like overgrown: Yes.. it's a "campers paradise" but usually people do play the objective and not only camp :) Besides.. If...
  15. Random totally owned ;P

  16. Like A Boss

    HAHA! Now there's some attitude! :lol: Luv it B) This song stays into my head and It just keeps playing over and over again :blink:
  17. Perm Ban

    Hah! Nice clarification :D
  18. Secret

    Woah, Interesting(?) O.o relax mon
  19. Help with admin mode.

    I understood that you needed this 'admin mod/rights' into your CoD4 server? :P This is Swat4 side "Help and tips" :)
  20. bobatwork tag fake to LWC

    CALM DOWN M8! I didin't mean to heat it up and I meant no offence or anything bad and I have NOTHING against LWC guys! Just gived an advice, nothing more :o And by the way, how come "again" ? Have I done this before too? Tell me if I have. I don't have any fucking issues, mkay? I was only...