i wanna thank kami ... finally 1 who gave me a link to dl swat, was over in half an hour. if it works, i will see when my pc has been put togethor (tomorrow, i hope)
so, i will be banned in all 1.0 server in 2 weeks, someone wanna bet against it? :D
oh yeah, now i see the difference :D
u forgot to mention how many swat and how many cod servers we have :D
and KF, u talk like a machine gun. ever heard of points and comma? :D
well i had the most kills almost every round, so im asking myself how many it would have been without the f****** lags :D
especially right after i got a faster connection, it started to lag in our server :D
ur uac nick, matchid, and the date u played in our server :D
i'm sure dia wasnt even in uac himself and didnt check it.
btw. may i ban everyone who uses my undercover nicks? :D
noone = these 2 nabs? :P
believe me we have many more admins ... so dont give up yet.
the last time u played, were there any WM members online? HERE is a list of wm members.