Search results

  1. the ban game

    ban JR cause he is a gay nuub :P
  2. the ban game

    ban the person above you and say a reason for the ban... example: lets say the person above me is JR ban JR for spamming....
  3. the wish game :D

    Example of how to play: Poster One:"I wish i was a eagle'' Poster two:Wish granted, you are a eagle now but with no feathers and got aids'' ...."I wish to have a parrot" And so on and so fourth
  4. the endless spam game

    The game is simple. The last person to post gets teh win! Meaning, right now, I'm winning u lossers :D :D WOHOOO :D
  5. This or That?

    pacman... :D when you fuck you laugh or cry? :P
  6. the spammers paradise

    lsd :P
  7. The Spam Bam Word Gam'

    JR :P
  8. Wht's New?

  9. the spammers paradise

    my ex :P
  10. the spammers paradise

  11. Serious Sam 3

    nice game. :D
  12. Wht's New?

    ask in WM forums what to do they will help :P
  13. The best music clip in youtube

    the batter is with that voice... *MASTURBATION STEAK*
  14. posting because i can...

    hahahahahahaha JR no1 can beat you :P ps froggy nice idea :) keep the posts comming :)
  15. the spammers paradise

    ice :D
  16. again new record :D

    so true :D
  17. The best music clip in youtube

    oh noes :P
  18. The Spam Bam Word Gam'

    Mencjusz (hahahahahha)
  19. :S

  20. The best music clip in youtube

    u high? :P