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  1. New Phone.

    same beanie, i got an LG now.. and i want back to the days i always had a samsung, i had like 4 in a row! so user friendly, easy to use.. and virus, if u want it so bad, get it XD go ahead waste all your money, they are cheap nowadays anyway
  2. hai i am elize

    it's because im thinking of dl'ing swat ;p haha i get so sick of cod lately so yeh, i tought, why not allready start to think and talk like a swat player to set the right mood
  3. hi

    then it might be 'the hammer incident' .. we had some hammers piled up on some massive fireworks.. i lit the fireworks, and hammers went flying, 2 hit my head ORLY? I THINK YOU'RE LYING SALMON!
  4. little problem

    like i care? get some IQ and read again!
  5. little problem

    looked it up actually ordered on summitonline eventually.. same price tho, but i just reminded this sites layout, and when i was at work i was like.. when i get home i order from this site! but now i ordered somewhere else xD /care
  6. New Phone.

    iphone sux anyway man, battery empty in 2 hours.. lol apple, to make your money ours, without doing to much efford for it
  7. little problem

    now i cant fucking wait till it arrives tho! IF it arrives, maybe im scammed lol.. starting to worry a little bit, was over 500 dollah in total.. :/
  8. some fun

    i know about promod, but i did like maybe 8 rounds of knife only, at high running speed.. all seemed to like it, it's bad to put out rules vs individuals.. but when it contains a large group of noobs, i'm in for that rule xD
  9. New Phone.

    yeh only comps and laptops are awesome.. ill give you that, but ipod? iphone? ipad? hahaha... sorry ppl but if you buy that, you can better throw your money in a river :) (please the river im swimming in at that moment)
  10. hi

    actually.. i tend to indeed have a very bad memory xD i blame weed tho
  11. My config cod4 file

    you and ur baddie pc! remember me to put my cfg on the site tomorrow! btw is sui in xf group yet? put him there
  12. hai i am elize

    even worse! 1 fucking post total.. you guys are complete morons
  13. hai i am elize

    haha you dumbfucks, this is This girl? you guys are so horny for a girl.. you forget to check if she's a hacker, she is licking girls asscrack when they only put out their name.. and immediatly put her on trial.. i think this would be a good reminder to firstly check some things EVEN if it's a...
  14. some fun

    soooo yesterday i wanted to have some fun.. so i put out a vote, because sometimes it's too much, all this gay games (more reason to put out NO 3xfrag FAST!) so i decided it would be fun to have an only knife round.. with higher speed, but offcourse i wanted to know if ppl would like it, so i...
  15. New Phone.

    hahaha steve jobs ass crack licker! ppl with iphone have no opinion.. they just blindly follow, APPLE SUX
  16. hi

    sorry jetty.. it's a bad habit of mine, to remind people of their problems lol >.
  17. little problem

    lololol i allready ordered yesterday, along with snowboard pants! shipping cost is a hell tho xD 100 dollah! anywayz.. thanks for looking anyway, i think it might have been the same site haha >.< not sure, went thru international checkout like u say so it might have been the same, layout of site...
  18. little problem

    i will notify you!!!! :wub: has to be taupe color tho, other colors r ugly
  19. hi

    looool couldnt be more relaxed? so what was all the whining the other day? blablabla learning, blablabla reading, blablabla busy
  20. New Phone.

    samsung always had good phones, especially those new 1s are awesome.. i would pick that :)