Search results

  1. This or That?

    keep him allive, i need him to scare ppl away from me with his gayness.. [DAIS] or Salmon
  2. the wish game :D

    wish granted, but now I(your dad) will let you follow your rules, and you know.. WHO IS YOUR DADDY AND WHAT DOES HE DO?! i wish i could kill somebody without consequences
  3. the spammers paradise

    my son
  4. the wish game :D

    wish granted, juniors wish is your ass in his hands tho. i wish i could go home on this boring day
  5. Married :)

    gratz baby
  6. buy a tent, put it in ur house, buy a cone from 28 cm, buy 5 grams of lemon haze, put all in the...

    buy a tent, put it in ur house, buy a cone from 28 cm, buy 5 grams of lemon haze, put all in the cone, pure, smoke it in the tent with friends.. done :)
  7. OriGinE

    there is no such thing as TOO MUCH weed, btw they wanna change this law.. higher then 15% THC in the weed, will become hard drugs, so that will be illegal soon too.. it's the same like only buying alcoholic beverages below 3% alcohol..
  8. test

    don't tell this in front of our big boss kf jk ur right! without hacks the uk players are NOTHING!
  9. The 'Sweet Spot' - COD4 Settings

    i know.. it sucks, its not busy at all in callcentre, 1 call in half hour..
  10. Wht's New?

    the point is when kakashi is playing a game, it's like dividing by zero.. it can't be done properly
  11. test

    who cares about this test in general? LOOOOOOOL!!!
  12. The 'Sweet Spot' - COD4 Settings

    no you can't 333 fps is disabled in promod lololololol
  13. Headphones Damo :D

    keep it coming did you know the time is now? keep it coming, never ever take us down! ?????
  14. OriGinE

    and that's for law reasons ofcourse ;)
  15. OriGinE

    i think we all know, dutch = best
  16. the ban game

    ban a.Duck for fucking bad weather in holland!
  17. Heii all

    yooo baby baby
  18. I was again excluded from this server. Bring me back :)... nickname Rustam

    really? and you want it so bad, isnt there any medicine to make it possible? :/ now u have to deal with your look-at-me-i-can-stick-my-tongue-out-all-day dog :o
  19. I was again excluded from this server. Bring me back :)... nickname Rustam

    if it was yesterday, i think it might have been me who kicked, i put out several warnings for the whole server, i think those don't need to be personal. i said LAST WARNING FOR ALL, OBJECTIVE! when you dont play objective after console says this.. i think you need your ass kicked! also i kicked...
  20. Eid Mubarak

    hosni mubarak right back at ya bro!