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  1. Age of Mythology

    its is old game, but it is really nice
  2. Age of Mythology

    Hey guys, i love play this game on internet, if you guys like just download it and we can play it online. it was really nice.
  3. you in few words ...

    only retards xD
  4. you in few words ...

    How you consider yourself? I will start, i think im different a lot of people, i prefer be alone than with someone, prefer rain than sun, prefer sad than happiness .. Looks weird but thats how iam. Your turn.
  5. Rly Funny .. eheh
  6. posting because i can...

    ahah +1
  7. what you think about this?

  8. what you think about this?

  9. Happy Birthday Michal

    Happy Birthday Michal. Wish you a great day.
  10. Kiwi

  11. Hello all

  12. The connection to the server failed.

    maybe you trying to connect 1.0 servers, you need put option on filter "hide incompatible versions" something like that. can be that..
  13. Shit Life

    Im normally not guy who come for forums and shit like that crying about what is passing on my life, but i really need some confortable words, me and my gf are no longer since yesterday and im rly fucked up, rly sad.. i need to find again path on my life ..
  14. New Maps 1.1 [Let´s Do It]

    ye, but seems nobody cares about it, with so many server that WM have, nobody do nothing. Its not to me complaining, just to see swat section dying every minute
  15. Hi everyone!

    Hello :)
  16. Michal please explain

    true ahah
  17. [Misc] New Maps SWAT 4

    good, ppl should copy paste them to their map folder, and someone should put a map with this maps for WM can have fun at evening or something..
  18. AHAH

    lolol WTF, the funny is make the horse? :D lol DG XD
  19. AHAH

    Witaj Motherfuckers. w porządku? Wystarczy powiedzieć, że Michał jest nieco gejów i że wszyscy Polacy są gejami.
  20. New Maps 1.1 [Let´s Do It]

    P.S: Some of them say 1.0 in the end but work fine in 1.1! I dont know about 1.0!