Age of Empires Online


Sep 30, 2007

The latest installment of the AOE series was released today.

It's free to play, and is a "cartoon" based game which I personally find works for the game given the previous versions. I guess you could say it's a cross between AOE and WoW, and it works very well.

When you first enter the game, you are given a capital city and within the city are quests to carry out. Completing quests give you exp points to level up, blueprints for buildings to construct in your capital city and/or upgrade points.

Each time you carry out a quest, you go to a new location with a new settlement. By buildiling up your economy and army, you must successfully perform several objectives to complete the quest.

I'm currently Egyptian on Athens realm.

> It's similar to AOE2 - if you build store houses near farms, mines, forests etc then the resources are delivered there and not all the way to the town centre

> If you scroll wheel when placing a building, it will rotate

> Priestesses will automatically heal soldiers

> To do a quest: find a person with a (!) above their head. Then bottom left on the minimap, open the list of quests and select your desired quest. Carry out the objectives and once completed press the button again. You will then want to select the quest again and press return to city and find the guy with the (?) above their head.

> If you're in a party and want to type to the world, type in "/general" and this will remove the party chat. To re-enable, type "/party".

Capital City :: Quest Book

cool! AOE2 was my favorite game for a long time :D do u know if there is a version workin even on mac? even just a beta or something!
ahahah I remember when me, kf, euska, xavi, filix were playing aoe3 over hamachi :D was fun.
i downloaded cracked too but it w different version then i blamed xavii who gave me link
i started playin when i was 9 my father download ot 4 for me ;-)
first n last time he did something of that kind :-(
i downloaded cracked too but it w different version then i blamed xavii who gave me link

what the fuck ? it takes 2 seconds to install any version you want of AOE3

btw when im back to spain we must make another big AOE3 game, as long as im not in virus team obviously.
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