UFO SwiftyMicvey UFO wrote on SwiftyMicvey's profile. Jan 14, 2016 georgiokav@gmail.com thats my email mate, id like to have news from you
Ceeee Jimas Ceeee wrote on Jimas's profile. Jan 5, 2016 Hello! Nothing special, been very busy with polytechnic school etc. How're you doing my man? What's up?
Hello! Nothing special, been very busy with polytechnic school etc. How're you doing my man? What's up?
SkandalisT Sep 22, 2015 This shit looks like a chatbox. I don't give a damn it's a profile status, other can interract - mean it's a chatbox.
This shit looks like a chatbox. I don't give a damn it's a profile status, other can interract - mean it's a chatbox.
beeswax Mr.Red beeswax wrote on Mr.Red's profile. May 15, 2014 Nice guy, hot sister, would friend again, 8/10