Xfire screenshots and videos


Jan 4, 2009
Since xfire is closing, I have downloaded all my screenshots (Yes, that waiting list actually works).

I will post some soon I have quite old ones of our swat golden years. Post yours if you find some that can bring us good memories and laughs!
I don't recall having anything worth saving on my xfire even though i did try. You are now number 4010 in the queue. I then leave the site since it clearly said i could close the window. Next day: You are now number 14.005.
I'm definitely going to rate positive cool and funny video, which bringing old memory back. But please no boring scoretable screens, we all had 20-1 score, -70 points and etc etc. I demand cool videos, where old faces raping each other, or at least making some fun and mess.

You will get my like only for really cool stuffs. :P