No More Room In Hell


Jan 28, 2013
Sup m8ys.

I've been playing this game for quite a while now, and it isn't bad at all! It is a zombie shooter, but way more hardcore than L4D2, for example. Here you don't have unlimited ammo, HUD (you need to check ammo), or even crosshair. All you can rely on, is your weapon and team. Zombies are quite slow, but come in large groups, and if you are bitten, you will turn to them :P Missions are more than challenging, I played couple of matches yesterday with Pig, and we didn't pass any :D (we did screw around thou). I suggest to try this game, maybe we can play together, especially those who play L4D2, I am sure you will like this game.

It is free to play on Steam, here is the link:
I know some ppl immediately say no, when they see FTP. But trust me, and try the game :P

And some gameplay, for lazy ones:
Xavii said:
Downloading! how many people can play together? thanks for sharing!
Servers are upto 8 players in the serverlist, but I believe there can be more than 8. But anyway it gets too crowded if there are more than 8 and you are doing a mission...

Pig, Magneto and I had a great time today playing it :D
Gonna try it next days and you dont have unlimited ammo in l4d :P
Kiehs said:
Gonna try it next days and you dont have unlimited ammo in l4d :P
Pistols have don't they? In L4D2 I always went with double pistols: spam bullets, reload, repeat. ez.
in nmrih every weapon has its ammo you cant use pistol ammo on shotgun or sniper, u will throw it when its empty just like anything useless to carry :D, you have limited space to put equipment and ammo :D ur main weapon is stick, paddle etc...
its very dark some time u need to use flash light. it tactical game without team work its too much hard, there is some missions u should do to survive.
the difference here too is u shouldnt kill every zombie u meet cuz they are too many and every bullet is precious, zombies usually are very slow except the children runners and the players who are infected.
some servers put a respwan feature, so even if u die u can respwan, but the pro servers dont provide it.

well some ESA play it like riddick and benedictus they are pros in that game, we have server there too if someone like to join us there.
I played yesterday for the first time with linux, emo and magneto. It does make fun to me, it takes teamwork and cooperation to survive. Maps and misisons are long and hard, we have not been able to finish one yet.
Xavii said:
I played yesterday for the first time with linux, emo and magneto. It does make fun to me, it takes teamwork and cooperation to survive. Maps and misisons are long and hard, we have not been able to finish one yet.
It is because we screwed around :D

Get the game guys, let's play a couple of missions.
L4D2 too easy to be fun, NMRIH too hard to be fun imo. Dont know if they updated it since I played it years back with the ESEA guys but the objectives were unclear and it tooks ages to figure out what to do next by which time the hordes probably already got you
You need to press C to see the objectives. The game is not hard at all if you try to avoid the zombies as much as possible and kill them only if it's necessary, and of course, if you have good team work.

Regarding the gameplay, is something between Day Z (various types of ammunition, which is also very limited) and L4D (quests, survive and go to the escape point, etc).
Durden said:
L4D2 too easy to be fun, NMRIH too hard to be fun imo.
It isn't that hard. But still the harder the game, the more I love it. L4D is for me just too easy, this is a challenge because you need to think when playing, and cooperate with team.

If tomorrow would be some kind of zombie apocalypse, this game is closest to that.

@Red: Join us when you see us playing, if we forget to call you!
Durden said:
L4D2 too easy to be fun, NMRIH too hard to be fun imo. Dont know if they updated it since I played it years back with the ESEA guys but the objectives were unclear and it tooks ages to figure out what to do next by which time the hordes probably already got you
On versus 4v4 it's not that easy sometimes.
i only played it a few times tbh, and usually i ended up getting seperated from the main group and they couldn't find me again :D