- Jul 6, 2008
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well, inteligent spaming
Part from Herbert H.Gowen, Asia a short history
"It was at the beginning of January 1771 that the horde started eastward. Not long after, the Cossacks - apprised, like Pharaoth, of the flight of a host of useful serfs - started after them and pursued them with fearful slaughter. Month after month, for eight months the fugitives continued their journey, harassed by enemies and tortured by thirst, their ranks thinned continually by weariness and the lenght of the way. The worst experience came toward the end, when the Chinese cavalry sent by Ch'ien Lung was already approaching to relieve them. How the Bashkirs and Kirghizes of the desert swooped down upon them, how pursuers and pursued alike, slaughteres and slaughtered, tortured to madness by thirst, come at last to Lake Tengis; how all continued to rush, still slaying and being slain, into the water, until the lake was dyed and polluted with gore"

"It was at the beginning of January 1771 that the horde started eastward. Not long after, the Cossacks - apprised, like Pharaoth, of the flight of a host of useful serfs - started after them and pursued them with fearful slaughter. Month after month, for eight months the fugitives continued their journey, harassed by enemies and tortured by thirst, their ranks thinned continually by weariness and the lenght of the way. The worst experience came toward the end, when the Chinese cavalry sent by Ch'ien Lung was already approaching to relieve them. How the Bashkirs and Kirghizes of the desert swooped down upon them, how pursuers and pursued alike, slaughteres and slaughtered, tortured to madness by thirst, come at last to Lake Tengis; how all continued to rush, still slaying and being slain, into the water, until the lake was dyed and polluted with gore"